Saturday, 4 January 2025

From AaronH: Sharku on foot and mounted (15 points)

 This is my first entry of the 15th Challenge. Rhys picked this model out for me as my first. I've wanted Sharku for years but could never find him in metal; only fine-crap (Finecast, a misnomer if there's ever been one). Last December ('22) I was in the UK and made it to Warhammer World and they had Sharku in metal. Problem solved.

Sharku, Champion of Orcthanc.

The metal model is nice and chunky, though a little nose heavy on the wharg.

It's nice that the rules for LotR require you to have a foot mounted version of each mounted model. Two for one!

This big knife is not really to my taste but I guess it's movie accurate.

You can see a bit of the nose lean-i-ness of the mounted model here.

I based him the same as my Mordor army even though he's Isengard, just because he's an orc and I'll use him as a mounted orc hero in my Mordor army. (Also, apropos of nothing, spell check knows that Mordor should be capitalized). There are six wharg riders right behind him in the queue, so we're starting to make progress.

This entry is two models:

Sharku mounted x 1 x 10 points

Sharku on foot x 1 x 5 points

Total = 15 points

Sylvain: Your brush does great justice to the mounted and foot miniatures of Sharku. Great job! I admire your patience in sourcing a metal model. I'll be looking forward for your next batch of LotR minis.





  1. That's a really nice model and entry Aaron

  2. Looks like you've got the LOTR orc aesthetic down pat. Looking forward to the rest.

  3. Good job, I really like the colour scheme. Looking forward to
    Seeing more!

  4. Great work on Sharku, Aaron! His pup just needs a treat and a good belly rub to calm him down...

  5. Nice command stand for your LOTR Orcs.

  6. Great model and great paint job Aaron.
