Thursday, 2 January 2025

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - Limbo Bonus Round - Wagon's not so Ho! (65 points)

The Abyss

First Circle: Limbo

This is where previous projects have stalled. Submit something that has been partially worked on from before. Yes, this can include terrain. :)

I've had these wagons for some time, they came to me from Dave Crook, who's friend Eric had passed on. Dave was helping Eric's widow sell on his massive collection. I already used some of the figures from this collection in previous Challenges. Some of my Ottoman's for example.

So here are two abandoned wagons, I'm not sure what make either are, to be honest?

The first bigger wagon, is a heavy lump of metal and include a dead horse and soldiers who sat down exhausted and never got up again.

The soldier is from Perry Miniatures and the horse is from Tiger Miniatures. Myself and Lee raided their bits box for a handful of horses that we could use as casualties. 

The horse needed quite a bit of filing to get him to lay down convincingly!

For the smaller wagon, again I'm not sure of the make? Or to be honest if it fits in with the 1812 period?

I've included another two dead figures, another chap who sat down and never got up, and another who fell.

So to the points....

20 points for the Limbo round = 20
2 x 25mm figures = 10
1 x 25mm dead figure = half points either 2 or 3, lets not do halves??
1 x 25mm horse - again 2 or 3 points?
2 x  25mm Wagons = 40pts 
( I do feel bad taking 40 points for the wagons, though????)

I'll leave the total to you Teemu.

From TeemuL: We seem to be getting a fair share of wagons and snow today. These are very nice, although I'm not expert on wagons and can't say if they fit 1812 or not. The next challenge are the points... I'll count the dead human and dead horse as two prone figures, meaning one full. That means three 28mm figures, so they total 15 points then. And if you feel bad taking 40 points for wagons, I'll give you just 30, counting the another one as a half one. That makes 65 points for two wagons, not bad?


  1. Replies
    1. Nice models...if my Russians have anything to say in the matter your whole army is going to sit (or fall) into the snow never to arise. 😉

  2. Nicely done Ray. As I recall when frozen dead horses can appear as if they are at full gallop so maybe all that filling and filing wasn’t necessary! 😁

  3. They look great Ray and everything frozen over really looks the part!


  4. Very atmospheric work Ray - they really capture the horror of the retreat. Well done!

  5. Wow, that is a wonderful terrain piece Ray. It reminds me of the Retreat scenes in 'The Duellists'. Great work!

    1. I was thinking the same thing when I saw the pics.

  6. You really have nailed snow, and freezing cold with these

  7. Well done, Ray. I can feel the chill.

  8. Tremendous snow effects and very evocative vignettes, really impressive work.

  9. Great entry Ray, it certainly conveys the freezing conditions

  10. Great work Ray, looks almost a chilly as it is here in Wisconsin today.
    Welcome to Thursday Wagon Club :D

    1. Thanks Paul I used to enjoy the cold weather.....not anymore!

  11. Great looking wagons. Grim and very effective.

  12. Excellent Ray. Sitting down and not getting up again is brutal. These are great.

    1. I do the same thing every night. Sit down watch TV and not get up again for hours, usually after my Misses has gone to bed.

  13. The carts look great same with the snow. What did you use to do that

    1. Thanks Quinn. The snow is Woodland Scenics snow, mixed with PVA glue and a little water.

  14. That is great work on lovely models. I have often considered doing a large diorama with all the figures from the Perry range.

  15. Wonderfully thematic pieces.

  16. Wow, very well atmospheric! Very well done, Ray. Always nice to have some of these great pieces to adorn the table. Nice!

  17. Those will make spectacular scatter terrain for your games.
