Wednesday, 8 January 2025

JamieM - Grey Alien Warband (67 points)

A second post of the day (or possibly first of next week if I don’t get it finished in good time!) and it’s a slightly random one.

I have a lot of rulesets. A lot. It’s a bit of a standing joke at the club that someone finds a game and I’ve already got the rules and either have a force or two or have bought a force, painted it and since sold it. A lot of my rulesets are miniature agnostic, which is great for buying a bunch of unusual miniatures that take my fancy. On the downside, this gives me licence to buy a bunch of unusual miniatures that take my fancy.

And in this vein, enter the Alien Grey warband

The miniatures are from the Wild West Exodus game system, but I decided they would work as adversaries in my budding post apocalyptic games.

This is the leader fella, scary looking big chap with a standard grey for scale.

These normal fellas come with two weapon types for the most part, standard rifles and larger rifles.

There is also a grey with a heavy weapon and a slightly different alien who probably sings the cows to sleep before they are taken away by the look of him….

I couldn’t resist the box when I saw it and I’m not sure whether it’s a good thing that a mate of mine bought me an expansion and the rules for Wild West Exodus for Christmas as a present/punishment for my lack of willpower.

12 28mm figures and one 40mm figures nets me 67 points I believe.


A second post in one day! Another veteran tactic by a seasoned AHPC participant...thankfully you appear to be done with the naval nonsense, and must resort to more honest work. For now...

I salute your commitment to ensure you never commit to just one rule set! After all, there are so very many rules out there, and your "comprehensive consideration and collection" (CCAC) approach to gaming rules is one I have no doubt many Challengers will relate to. Hobbyists such as yourself are essential cogs in the psychological ecosystem of gaming - when we see rules we might like, and take a chance on them, we can still tell ourselves "well, at least I'm not as crazy as Jamie!"

My shelves (and storage) heave with piles of rules I have tried, or want to try, and the cycle of rules-meaning-I-should-buy-figures-which-is-a-good-reason-to-buy-these-other-rules is nothing other than...a perfectly normal, healthy approach to this great hobby!

The Grey Aliens here looks wonderful - ready for a military skirmish, or perhaps to snag a few subjects for some, er, probing research back at the base, all to determine what is going on - post-apocalyptic setting or otherwise!

67 points for you, and a great start today to your Challenge!



  1. Love both the cold grey skin tones and the bright blue armour!

  2. That blue is striking! Those will really stand out on the table top. Great work.

  3. Very powerful colour scheme. Gotta love a warband like this. Nice!

  4. Nice painting. The greys have a nice well balanced color palette. I download multiple rule sets as pdf's so no one can tell how many I have. Keeps the shelves deceptively clean.

  5. Great alien band. Love the blue with the grey.

  6. Love the colour scheme, very well done!
