Wednesday, 8 January 2025

From BruceR - Celtic slingers, Sarah the Succubus, 2nd Circle Lust, (70 points)

I played one game of Midgard Heroic Battles and enjoyed the game.  We used Rome v Briton and I was short Roman archers and Briton slingers.  To the clicker and ordered some Warlord Celtic slingers and saw some excellent Celtic archers as well, so click they were ordered.  I painted the Roman archers (8 of the 24) last week.  

There are 8 figures and they are okay, with a couple of duplicates.  I do like the mustaches and the different hair styles.  Some look young and others old, so I guess why they are slingers.  This will make 2 groups of 4 light troops. 

I've been using speed paints or contrast paints more lately and decided to do the same with these.  I didn't do any designs on the clothing, maybe later, as I want them done and on the table.  I went with solid colorful clothing.  Black undercoat, white dry brush , and then the base colors.  I then highlight some of the colors and finally a dry brush with Iraqi Sand w/ my trusty makeup brush (well my daughters).  A little static grass, tufts and done.  I've also added some plugs for bases to use bases I already have to plug the open holes.  

First photos were taken as a guide for some gaming friends interested in the speed paint technique.   I ran out of steam after 3 photos.  I think they will get the picture.   

The finished troop ready to dent some Roman helmets or break an arm or two with bullets.  

Our game group continues to enjoy The Silver Bayonet and to that end I tend to need some additional adversaries in the form of monsters.  I usually look to Reaper Miniatures for these as their bones figures are cheap as chips and paint up just fine, with quick shipping in the US.  This monster painting is another reason I've taken to speed paints/contrast paints as I'm not looking for ultimate quality just down and dirty monsters.  

I had ordered a number of evil creatures for the Carpathian Book and saw a 3 pack of succubi (I  think that is plural) and for the price clicked.  Back to the circles of Hell.  I used one of the  succubus and did a quick contrast paint job on the wicked flyer.  

Next, I spotted an old GW figure from Blood Bowl sitting on my unloved figure shelf.  An Orc Cheerleader (I think I was given the figure by an opponent at a tournament gathering in the past).  We have just jumped back into Blood Bowl and I'll likely have to get an Orc team to go with the cheer section.  Looks like she punched an empire cheerleader and stole her Altdorf pompoms.  

I'm traveling to the 2nd Circle "Lust" with a female figure offering to Sarah the Succubus and use the other figure to accomplish the Lust Circle.  I'll let the group decide which is which.  The succubus to travel to the 2nd Circle and the Cheer Leader for "Lust"  (I'm sure there is some Orc out there who will agree).  Or the Cheerleader to travel and the succubus as the key to the Lust Circle.  

Hope you enjoy and I don't offend.  Scantily clothed, yet clothed.  

Cheers Bruce

Points sought

10 28mm @ 5  =                                 50 pts
Offering of a female figure to travel = 20 pts
2nd Circle =                                        20 pts

Total                                                    70 pts


"To the clicker and ordered some" - ah, how familiar that is to me, and so many of us...

Hi Bruce! Thanks so much for this lovely assortment of figures - even if the term "lovely" might only apply in, shall we say, very general terms in some instances above (and of course I am referring to the Celts here, obviously). You have done fine work with the so-called speed paints, and the results on these figures look excellent. 

Your offerings for both the travel and the relevant circle in the inferno are both excellent, and shows that a figure collection can cater to an, er, "wide spectrum of tastes". 

A reminder that painting a female figure allows one to travel outside the direct line in Dante's circles, but does not, in itself, confer bonus points. So you have 70 fine points well-earned here Bruce. Great job. 



  1. Fantastic work! Vibrant colours on those slingers!

  2. Great looking slingers, the WIPs are helpful, Lust looks good too!
    Best Iain

  3. Wonderful brushwork Bruce! Very saturated colours. The orc cheerleader cracks me up. Well done.

  4. All very nice. I like the slingers, but I find the succubus actually quite stunning. The skin effect is very good!

  5. Great work. I think I might need that succubus figure.
