Monday, 3 February 2025

From KentG: 28mm cavalry (320pts)

Well here we are back again, this time it’s all cavalry 
The funny thing is I had said that after the last challenge 
I wouldn’t be doing much cav well you can see how that plan worked 
Out. There’s three different lots of cav, not sure what I was thinking
All those hand painted shields took way to long especially 
The checkered pattern

These first 12 are Spanish Jinetes by Gripping Beast
Not the most detailed figures but they still really nicely

Next up just because who needs more detailed shield yip me
So here Gallic cavalry by Gripping beast again I actually really enjoyed 

 I had a lot of fun painting these next 8 figures by
Bloody miniatures, the detail on these English Civil war minis
Is so really nice and great to paint

Black is always a fun colour to paint
As most if not all of us know, but I’m 
Really pleased with the result on this chap

No flag on the pole here the new owner of
These figures haven’t made up his mind yet.

So let’s total up for the week 
32 x 28mm cavalry @ 10pts each 320pts 
Which means I’ve hit my target for this challenge 

From Millsy:

A wonderful batch of cavalry Kent, all beautifully painted as ever and with a great mix of coats colours on the horses which adds so much interest and variety. 

My initial though was the shield designs were decals and then I read your copy. These are absolutely brilliant mate, particularly the checks which are an absolute bugger to get right regardless of scale.

This 320 point cavalry bomb blasts you through your original 1,500 point total and we're not even halfway! Please let me know your revised total and I will update the roster accordingly.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice work on those shields Kent, the shields are ace

  3. Ooh, I REALLY like the jinetes. The other cavalry are top shelf too.

    1. they came out better than I thought they were going to

  4. Fabulous work on these horses, riders, and "wow" shields. Well done.

    1. thanks Bruce, shields can be a challenge but i think worth the effort

  5. Shields are top notch! I like those GB jinettes, they have nice movement and paint up really well.

  6. Beautiful painting and impressive shields.

  7. Cheers Christopher, onwards and upwards now to complete the next batch of minis

  8. Geez, such gorgeous work on these horse-boys, Kent. Those Jinettes are lovely but I'm also really taken by the ECW models. Excellent stuff.

    1. Thanks Curt really appreciate the kind comments, the ecw are my favourite

  9. Splendid cavalry,awesome shields!
    Best Iain

  10. cheers lain it was a fun paint

  11. the spanish jinetes are very colourful - i like them

  12. Congrats on reaching your target and with such a splendid mob galloping at everything. Just like Curt, I am really taken with the look you have given the ECW figures: gorgeous!
