Monday, 3 February 2025

From Barks: Multiple Circles of Hell (Violence, Fraud, Treachery) (135 points)

I've had the lurgi and have had a bit of travelling, but have managed to knock off a few circles of Hell.

First, Violence. But I have not portrayed the souls sent there- rather, the vicious beasts that torment them:

Here the repellent harpies make their nests,
Who drove the Trojans from the Strophades
With dire announcements of the coming woe.
They have broad wings, a human neck and face,
Clawed feet and swollen, feathered bellies; they caw
Their lamentations in the eerie trees.
Inferno, Canto XIII

The harpies sit in the wood of the suicides; these are boardgame pieces from Descent. They've got horrendous mold lines I couldn't be bothered removing. They're less noticeable at arm's length.


Next, we visit Fraud with Sharkey and Worm- spoilers ahead!

Worm and Sharkey

"Whoever strikes me shall be accursed. And if my blood stains the Shire, it shall wither and never again be healed."

The hobbits recoiled. But Frodo said, "Do not believe him. He has lost all power, save his voice that can still daunt and deceive you, if you let it."

I love the Scouring of the Shire! It had been orchestrated by Saruman in the guise of Sharkey. He is revealed to no longer be a powerful wizard by Frodo; hence Fraud.

Loving the Jon Hodgson background books

The GW paintjob for this figure has a brown cloak, but:

...they overtook an old man leaning on a staff, and he was clothed in rags of grey or dirty white, and at his heels went another beggar, slouching and whining.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

I had thought of using Worm for Treachery, because, well, he's Worm, but I really wanted to slap paint on these kitbashed Delaques, the most deceitful gang:

Neo lookalike contest

Can't see a thing but we look so good.

The nineties called my cell: they said we looked awesome.

Dual-wielding. He could only get cooler if I painted his mirrorshades.

I used Northstar Scavengers for the bodies, and carved the big pockets off their coats to give them more Matrix-esque vibes. I either found heads with glasses and carved off the hair, or made glasses from greenstuff. I was experimenting with pale flesh tones- I think these are a bit violet. I wanted a lightly distressed leather look to the coats, but it just looks grey and the belts lack contrast. I could revisit the bases as well.

How did I move between these locations? More Descent figures: five (ten?) fire imps. I drybrushed the flames from white through yellows, oranges, and reds. The Imps are Speedpaint Dusk Red.

Fire Imps

So, everyone today is 28mm:

5x Imps +25
4x Harpies +20
4x Delaque +20
2x LotR +10

Violence +20
Fraud +20
Treachery +20

Total 135 points

Squirrels +1 (Descent baddies)

From Millsy:

So much cool stuff in one post!

If I had to pick a favourite it would be the Neo-esqe Delaque gangers, who have a special place in my heart being my first ever team too. Your choices for kitbashing are great and really have the right vibe.

The Fire Imps are also really well executed with the flame effect absolutely spot on. I struggle with that technique but you've clearly got it nailed. I'm guessing the imps were painted after the drybrushing?

Awesome work Barks and 135 more points for your tally!

PS. Hope you are on the mend mate.



  1. Lots of fun nicely painted figures here. I agree the fire effect is perfect.

  2. They are neat. The backgrounds work well too

  3. Terrific entry Barks. So much to like but my favourites are Worm and Sharkey - great interpretation of the theme.

    1. I've had those two miscreants in my pile for years. I love how the Challenge makes me get things done.

    2. I love hearing that. Music to my heart. :)

  4. The fire imps are 100% on point. The fire effects are amazing.

  5. ... and some fire imps! lol.. Well Done! Nice fire effect!

  6. I love your Sharkey, I need to remember the dirty white cloak when I got my Sharkey to the painting desk. Great stuff. Barks!

    1. Thanks, Teemu, I enjoy doing the 'research'.

  7. These are great, the flame effects on the imps are spot on and much better than the flame effects I’ve been painting recently, so I’ll shamelessly copy you going forward.

  8. Excellent work. I support the flame effect is amazing. Really makes the little demons stand out.

    1. I'm quite happy with the little guys; the dark brownish red works well and is a good contrast to the flames.

  9. Lovely varied mix, from your matrix figures to your sharkey pair, lovely work!
    Best Iain

  10. Brilliant mix of figures Barks, I'm really impressed with the fire imps

    1. I wasn't expecting them to get so much attention!

  11. All awesome figures Barks, but secretly I like the imps best, excellent flame effects if which I am migthy jealous!

  12. Some damn fine work Barks!! Love the Matrix lookalikes!
