So I couldn't paint any more black without a break. Instead I switched tack and although I am still painting fantasy miniatures I've changed game and faction.
This week I've been painting Orruk Kruleboyz for Age of Sigmar. With the exception of the leader on big beasty this is the Age of Sigmar Spearhead force plus Da Kunnin' Krew for Warhammer Underworlds. I have a bunch more to paint and based on how much I enjoyed these the next batch will be along quick smart...
Killaboss with Stab-grot and Murknob with Belcha-banna
Whoever names these things smokes some great stuff. Whoever sculpts these things is a genius. And whoever designs the sprues and does the instructions should be incarcerated. The two big lads are enormous and top out over 40mm, towering over Grot and their Orruk minions.
Three chonky Orruks with shootaz ready to skewer some man-things and spit roast them for dinner.
Beast-skewer Killbow
I think the guy who names these things might also be the guy who does the song titles for The Offspring. I might even rename my Killaboss to "Killboy Powerhead". This thing was a bugger to paint even in sub assemblies but it looks the business.
I mistyped this as "butrippaz" initially and was tempted to leave it. I have two more units of these, one more with stickaz and one with choppaz.
It's fair to say I've become obsessed with Orruks and am buying up everything there is in the range. Didn't need these for AoS but they will make a great Warcry warband with a couple of Butrippaz Gutrippaz thrown in. Two more 40mm beasts and a bunch of mooks for da sneaky stuff.
Points for the Point God!
- 4 x 40mm infantry = 28 points
- 14 x 28mm Orruk infantry = 70 points
- 1 x 28mm artillery(?) piece = 10 points
- 7 x 28mm Grot infantry = 35 points
- 1 x Fifth Circle: Wrath bonus = 20 points
Total = 163 points
Plus 6 skullz lurking in the swampy reeds and grass.
Album: Spiritual Milk
Artist: The Offspring
Album: Americana
Artist: Hylls
Album: Once
That's everything for this week. Thanks for looking!
Oh wow!
I have no idea what exactly I'm looking at but the minis are super cool and the paint job is fab! I'm a big fan of purples&greens so I'm predisposed to like these scary bad boyz and their nasty weaponry.
Congrats on passing through another level of hell ... what will see next?
Wow Millsy, not seen those great sculpts before, lovely brushwork on them too