Sunday, 9 February 2025

From RhysH - Rohan and proxy Wildmen of Dunland (85 Points)

Rhys spent the last two weeks working on this entry, mostly the two Rohan heroes on their horses. This post is, firstly, the two new Rohan heroes from the recent movie, the sons of Helm Hammerhand. The second part is some Warlord Games Vikings that Rhys is going to proxy in as Wildmen of Dunland.

The brothers. I noticed that I put the foot versions next to their brother rather than their own mounted version.

These models are good representations of the new state of the art that GW brings to plastics. The detail is superb but the conversion value is pretty much limited to weapon swaps, though Zorpa Zorp did some nice work with Greenstuff on his YouTube channel so it is possible.

Rhys is going for the winter fighting around Helm's Deep on these models, hence the snow bases. 

Rhys spent a lot of time on these models. They are his only Rohan and he wanted to do them justice. I think we need to work on his washes some more. He's been using them more and I think they really make the details pop where he did.

The models are very dynamic. I have a pretty serious dislike for the old Rohan horses, caused in part by the bin full of broken ones on my shelf and partly by the static, sameness of them. Rhys really made these two pop. He used Speed Paints for the first time and really liked them on the horses.

Next up is a group of Warlord Games Vikings. We're both usually a fan of Warlord but I think they bought this set off of someone else and they, frankly, suck. I showed Rhys the Victrix set and that's the one he wanted, but these were available on Amazon for his Christmas money and Victrix was not.

These are Warlord metals. Much better than the plastics, but I think Rhys had a priming problem since we are in the hand priming season in Colorado. We lost some of the detail, especially on the face of the guy on the right.

Rhys said he really enjoyed painting these. We discussed the use of washes on the grey hair but he wanted them to be "wintery" so he left them as is.

My photography didn't really capture the work he put in on the cape, but he tried his hand at layering on this, as well as the capes of the Rohan brothers. It definitely worked better live than what I captured here.

Last up is the two handed wildmen. The less said the better.

Rhys has a bunch more of these guys but has sort of stalled out on them due to just not liking the scuplts so we'll see if he pushes through or changes gears.

And the side shot.

This entry is:

13 x 28mm foot models x 5 = 65 pts

2 x 28mm mounted models x 10 = 20 pts

Total = 85 pts


Good work here Rhys, especially with those mounted Rohan models. I like that you're brining in more shading and highlighting into your painting. It really pays off. I definitely sympathize with you on the early GW plastic horses as I had several that broke near the hoof - VERY annoying. As to winter priming, I would recommend a cheap airbrush  (the ones with their own internal compressor in the handgrip) along with any of the Vallejo series of airbrush primer paints. They have been working well for me. Here's a link to one that has had decent reviews. I hope this helps!

- Curt & Huck


  1. Looking good. Keep at it and as always some models are better than others. Well done.

  2. The Rohan look good. I would try a wash or dip on the Viking Axe men. The darker the really cheap, vaguely sculpted wild Germans I have were, the better they looked.

  3. Good looking Rohan types, the plastic vikings were Wargames Factory figures originally, some of the kits are alright but lots of them are really soft on detail, I'm with Tom, give them another dirty wash and they'll just look like filthy heathens, sounds like something my mother would have said to me and my brothers!
    Best Iain

  4. Well done; it can be so hard to restart after stalling out.

  5. Excellent work on these and those horsemen are particularly nicely done, well worth all of the effort that you clearly put in.

  6. Liking these Rhyss, especially those Rohan riders.

  7. Well done Rhys, its always good to see your work
