Sunday, 9 February 2025

From Millsy: Kruleboyz Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof (45 points)

G'day All,

Phew! 11 hours and some change to paint one bloke and his dog. Seems excessive when you say it like that but once you see the thing it starts to make some sense...

This is the final unit required to complete my age of Sigmar Kruleboyz Spearhead and very pleased I am indeed to have him painted and based. Fiendishly detailed and chock full of hard to reach nooks and crannies, he really tested my patience, brush technique and desire to have him painted to a matching (or higher) standard than his minions.

Anyway, I'll let the pictures do the talking in this instance. Enjoy!

Points-wise this is a hard one. I've gone with the "it is what it is" option as a single mounted 40mm figure and will let Sarah decide if it merits anything beyond that...
  • 1 x 40mm cavalry = 15 points
  • 1 x Third Circle: Gluttony (as in I am one for punishment!) = 20 points
Total = 35 points

Artist: John 00 Fleming

Artist: Matt Darey & Scott Bond

Artist: Paul Oakenfold



In full disclosure, I absolutely despise 'Age of Sigmar', but I absolutely love this. 

Beautiful work Millsy. In looking at all the detail crammed into this pair I can only imagine the time and patience in doing it justice which you've done in flying colours. I particularly like the barding and armour of the two, especially the bone yelllow sections. Lovely brushwork that.

'Who's a good boy?! Get him a treat, will ya.'  I'm going to use my substitute minion powers expansively and give you another 10 points for this. Excellent work Millsy!

- Curt & Huck


  1. Oh my. The photos are spectacular but also very clearly say nightmare to paint.

  2. That's a monster, in every sense of the word! Helluva job on this big guy and his faithful hellhound, who is a Very Good Boy.

  3. So much going on. Excellent work, and well slogged Millsy!

  4. Large, in charge and full of bits. Excellent effort here. Will surely add to any fantasy game you throw him into.

  5. What a huge beast. Fantastic job painting all the different textures. Love the base too.

  6. Oh my that's an amazing figure there is so much detail in the mini no wonder it took so long to paint, man it looks amazing really really nice work on this one.

  7. As others have said, it must have been a major pain in the @$$ to paint this guy up with all that detail on him. He looks really good though, nice work.

  8. I just noticed the gas bubbles from the swamp element on the base. Wonderful stuff!

  9. Your a better man than I am, glad you painted it and not me, it is a lovely job though and 10 extra points is the least you deserve!
    Best Iain

  10. Very intimidating model, both on the tabletop and to paint!

  11. That's superb Millsy and 11 hours well spent

  12. That's a monster of a figure. Nicely done Sir!
