Wednesday, 12 March 2025

From BruceR - Fire Giant towards the end; Reaper Bones; (10 points)

I was off on vacation week before and when I returned, age has caught up with me.  My back acted up and I could not sit to paint.  So, some projects might not get done.  I'm on the mend and I had been doing some brush work on this last Reaper Bones Giant I had.  This is a King and will go well with my previous Queen or Princess.  We have played alot of Frostgrave in the past and might have to break it out again with  the addition  of these giants.  I believe a friend has even created a scenario for ACon in the past which was published in the Frostgrave magazine. 

I base coated in white and gave it a dark wash.  I used a combo of speed paints and acrylics to complete base layers.  Another lighter wash and some highlights.  I did add a little blood spot from smashing some annoying adventurer.  Not a ton of different colors used, but enough to make him seem regal and fierce at the same time.

I went with the coal like skin again.

I thought his cloak green (Green Dragon?) would
contrast the other colors and I liked it.

A size comparison  with a Rangers
 of Shadow deep figure I submitted earlier.

Thats it for this week.  Hopefully a few more odds and ends for the finale up coming.  Hope you like this beastie.

He stands over 54mm so I would submit 10 points for a single figure.

Total 10 Points?

Take care.  Bruce


The end of Challenge XV looms - the back aches (and other aches) are coming for all of us, I'm afraid...well done to soldier on and get this colorful fire giant done. Your results show the importance of good preparation and base coating in order to get the best results with speed-type paints (often a reason I can never use them!) and it is quite striking on a figure such as this one with the great assortment of detail.

And looking at that sword...I sure feel bad for whichever character became the blood stain...

10 points it shall be!


1 comment:

  1. A great looking hulking giant. Hope your back mends quickly.
