Tuesday, 18 March 2025

From DavidB: Pulp goodies (70 points)

Garford-Putilov was an armored car made by Russia in WW1. It had a top speed a little better than 10 miles an hour as is was pushing a lot of armor as well as 7.62 maxim machine guns with one in the rear turret and two side sponsons it also had a 76mm cannon on it's unique turret. Unique as the turret had the rear of the truck covered in a 270 degree arc. the gun also had a shroud, but more as a safety so the gunner couldn't get tunnel vision in battle and shoot the truck. 
For it's time it had a good record and was used in the Great War and the Russian Civil War. of the 50 or less trucks made there are no known to remain. 
I found this print on Thingiverse by Windham Graves and it was a truck that had enough quirks I had to print one. I read a little on it while it printed and I am tempted always to build an armored train from the period and I can see this truck being a good addition to a truck convoy or an ambushing force.

I did go overboard with the weathering on this truck. knowing the time and period, and it being a print with noticeable layer lines( before I figured that out) 

I used it to practice more weathering and I paid particular attention to where wear and tear would occur.

the gun tub especially is a good spot for water to gather.

I painted chip paint where the gun shroud would impact the truck.

I also painted scrapes on the turret and tub made by the turret rotation.
This truck is splendidly quirky enough to use in pulpy games or interwar shenanigans.
If only I had some troops to use with it......

A few years ago I found Bob Murch at Adepticon and bought his Germans for a purpose long forgotten. Probably from an idea on Lead Adventure forum... So my BBEG has an old Russian AC, maybe a few. He will need some capable hammer type minions to provide security and muscle for heists as he builds his zombie horde or stompy robots of death. What better sort of trouble for a plot armor clad hero than some Fallschirmjager led by a capable and fanatical officer! 

I think they were intended as Zeppelin troops, but I think I can find use for them in interwar skirmish as german troops getting hands on experience. I painted them entirely in fanatic paints using ochres, umbers, and some vibrant blue for a bright luftwaffe blue.
An officer and two NCOs lead... 

Four mauser equipped troops

and another three with machine guns

The tanks have five layers of ochre paint applied in lined highlights to give the tanks a used look to them. I used a reddish wash on the wood furniture of the weapons to give them a reddish wood look.

This should give a two fisted protagonist a spot of bother!

one truck for 20 points
and 10 infantry for 50 points....
and back to the desk to see if I can kick out another batch

TeemuL: More wonderful vehicles from you David, a pleasure to minion this one, too. I'm with you, vehicle like that should see a lot of action, so characterful and also something most people wouldn't believe to be true - so perfect for Pulp battles and more. The weathering, wear and tear, excellent! And you made some infantry to fight with it, well done.


  1. I would never have believed that was a real armoured car and not a pulp fiction invention - it looks fantastic.😁

  2. A great pulp vehicle and crew. Reminds me of the T35 with all the turrets.

  3. Love the vehicle - really unusual!

  4. Luvvly work Dave, especially the rust work.

  5. That's great, you've clearly put a lot of thought and effort into AC and it looks so good as a result

  6. Looking suitably pulpy! Fabulous work on the Putilov as well as on those baddies.

  7. Love that Putilov, David! I have one of Copplestone's from years back and your's makes me want to bring it out again for a game. Well done!
