Tuesday, 18 March 2025

From BrianC A Roman and a couple royal mice (55pts)

Ok. Here's a very brief entry to get me to my goal of 1000 points. Yay! I have three miniatures from Reaper Bones(Ugh!) plastic miniatures and a Warlord Games Roman miniature. I hope these will qualify for Dante's Paradise Circle. Let's do this!

Here we have Reaper Miniatures Mouslings King and Princess. This will be my entry for The Lovers(platonic) Circle. The bond between a Father and Daughter is very special. I know I have 2 daughters myself. We (Dads) will do anything to protect and guide our girls to become strong,  responsible, independent, and compassionate women.

Next, I have the ambitious Roman soldier, Tiberius, who has risen to the ranks of Pilus prior: A centurion in command of the first-century of the cohort. Now he has his eyes on the First Spear(Primus Pilus). I'm sure he will weasel his way to the top, maybe a drop of poison in a certain person's drink? I know I watch too many movies! Ha! 


Alrighty! To the points!

28mm x 3 = 15pts.
2 Dante's Circles (The Lovers & The Ambitious) = 40pts.
TOTAL = 55pts
Congratulations on getting to the 1000 point mark Brian! A massive undertaking for most humans (not those freaks at the top of the ladder but they are, by their own admission, far from normal!). 
Well done!
- Paul

1 comment:

  1. You must have guessed it when compiling this post but: the mice are the favourites! Everyone here (including the Wife) likes them a lot, great work!
