Monday, 3 March 2025

From KerryT: The boys are in town - Landsknechts on the loose (430 points)

 Morning afternoon and evening all

After being away at the beach on holiday last week and therefore not painting or posting, picking up the brushes again has been enjoyable. I've been quite productive managing to knock off some more Landsknechts for my Italian Wars collection. This week I've managed some artillery and some vignettes, the latter providing me with an opportunity to shoehorn them in for a few bonus themes.

Here we go - Danteville

Look out, look out, Landsknechts are about

First up some Wargames Foundry Landsknecht artillery


I'm going to claim a violence bonus for these but I have to get to that level first 

To date, the only bonus point I've claimed is the Limbo bonus and I think that may have been when posting my second entry ages ago.

Finding myself  still stuck in the abyss, I am probably  lucky that there's quite a bit going on  in the nearby in town and there's no doubt that the behaviour of the participants is in fact abysmal! This is because of course the boys are in town and the Landsknechts have been let loose.

All are figures from Warlord Games' Italian Wars range

Casanova and camp follower about to roll in the hay

Well Moly Miggins shall it be a roll in the hayfield or the hayloft?

Looks like lusty behaviour to me

The glutton finds himself a piglet all to himself

Meanwhile back at the tavern, the greedy gamblers are playing dice
Oh bugger says Ray, I've just thrown a one

While at the bridge Cool hand Lucca fires off his ye olde version of six shooters

Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya?

If he's not cross enough to be seen as wrathful then this little succubus should take me to the next level

Just a wee tipple then

There's no fiddler on this roof

Hey ho hey ho its off to war I go...

Natty dressers

Bless me father for I have sinned...

While around the corner heretics loot and burn the church

All the while, their commanders ponder the next move
A mixture of command figures at a council of war

Kaiser Maximillian looks on

A bird's eye view

Thus hopefully having managed to thread my way through lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, heresy and finally violence I'm going to suggest that Landsknecht commanders whilst dressed like birds of paradise (see what I did there!) are never sure to fight and thus inconstant.

The cast.....

Thus in summary
4 guns each with 4 crew in 28mm @ 30 points each = 120 points
34  x 28mm foot figures @ 5 points each = 170 points
1 x 28mm Mounted figure @ 10 points

Theme bonus points for 
Abyss - lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, violence @ 20 points = 100 points
Paradise - Inconstant @ 20 points

Total - 430 points

I hope that's correct Millsy

Many thanks


From Millsy:


Wowsers, I feel like I need a cuppa and a lie down after working my way through that lot! What an epic post Kerry. A good thing you had some time off as this must have taken an age to blog, never mind to actually paint the stuff.

It's impossible to pick just one thing from this post as a favourite so I'm going with the vignettes and overall quality for what stands out to me. Your tables are amazing at the best of times and having all this extra set dressing is just another level above.

I can't find a reference to justify the Heresy angle but all the other options for the Abyss are here and with great selections to suggest their particular sins. You math was slightly off I think and when I cranked up the abacus it comes to 430 points (without Heresy). If there's any fault I blame Miles and his evil spreadsheet!

Brilliant stuff once again. My head is still spinning mate!



  1. Cheers Millsy, sorry about the headache, I'll keep it simple next week

  2. A great group of colourful characters!

  3. Bloody hell Kerry, that is an stunning amount of quality work at 28mm. We've also learnt that you are a poet in the way you have wandered through Dante's inferno. Love the vignettes and the terrain they are set in.

  4. Well Kerry its like the vegetable joke - the potato makes chips, crisps, vodka - its like the other vegetables aren't even trying! So Mr Potato in this vegetable competition you are definitely top dog! I really liked the story and the figures are all nicely done. thanks for sharing.
