Monday, 3 March 2025

From KentG: 28mm Canterbury tales Eureka miniatures figures (115pts)

This week has been crazy busy very hard to find time to paint
But still a great week
The miniatures this week come from Eureka miniatures 
This set has not been released yet and come from the
Canterbury tales pilgrams it a 15th century story from what I could 
Find out.

The miniatures are amazing they are full of character
I was surprised at how heavy some of the figures were

The fat priest is one of my favourites 

Check out the puppy the cute factor is way over the top

I was surprised how much I liked this sculpt I think it’s the detail in the face that
That makes this figure pop

As far as horses are this one is beautiful crisp and clean sculpt

Also love this little donkey the details 
Are so very good the detail on the blanket is actually in the model

I decided to fill the cup with a purple wash and then put a little whit into parts of it 
Thought it looked cool

11 x 28mm mounted minis = 110pts
1 x 28mm foot mini = 5pts

From Millsy:

What an absolutely wonderful collection of miniatures.

Eureka deserve a wealth of kudos for these but there's plenty deserved for yourself too Kent.

These are absolutely amazing and such a unique set. I have almost no use for these whatsoever and find myself wanting them the minute I saw your efforts.

Bravo mate, one of my favourite posts to date!


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