Saturday, 8 March 2025

From QuinnM: Just Variety and The Inconstant (205 points)

I took 2 weeks off painting as I was feeling burnt out but I came back strong this week. I have a number of different things from stormcast to skaven and the last batch of elves.

First we have the last few Stormcast I have unpainted. A lord relictor and a unit of reclusians. the paint scheme for them is really simple silver armor with blue, purple and red accent colors. they are painted differently for the rest of my stormcast as they are part of the more religious sub faction and i wanted to differentiate them 

Next we have a clawlord on Gnaw-beast from the Skaventide box. I wanted to try source lighting from the gnaw portal on the base but the little bit I did wasn't great so I left it at that as this is a commission piece for a friends Skaven army. 

On top of the clawlord I painted up a acolyte globadier for them and it was real fun as I got to paint up a glowing orb for the first time. It is not perfect but they are happy with the final look.

For the inconstant i panted the last of the space marines from my friend and in all honesty i'm a not sure about this one. he is panted up as the space marines 2 fan chapter the crayon eaters. where every panel of armour is a different color and to rely show this the clock is painted in a rainbow camo(yes i know that is a oxymoron) that a washed with a black speed pant. a lot of the colors turned out great most of them are hiding behind the gun. but the pink i had was not blending so i ended up mixing my own and got more of a salmon. so there is a before and after.) i could not think of something more inconstant than someone that can't stick to a consistent color. 

I did also pant up 2 more of the old goblin trolls. I used slightly different oranges as highlighting colors but you can't really tell in the photos. 

and lastly I have the last of the elven spearmen. I painted them in one batch over the whole week and boy do I hate batch painting. but they are done for now. we are not going to look at the 150 night goblins sitting in the to-be painted box. next i have the heroes and some horsemen for the elves and it will be my second fully painted army. 

35x28mm footman@5 points=175 points

1x28mm cavalry@10 points=10 points

The Inconstant= 20 points

205 points total

Sylvain: Sorry I missed this post from last week. It's really a feast for the eyes that you are offering us this week. Your painting style in general, but especially this week, brings out the grim and dark aspect of some of the miniatures.Great work!


  1. Excellent work all around, Quinn! I really like that skaven , the orb looks great.

  2. I am biased towards skaven but the mounted clawlord is my favorite.

  3. superb painting skills on show here

  4. Great moody paint jobs on those

  5. All these are fabulously painted!

  6. The space marine hurts my eyes, but it still is a great brushwork! All the rest, too! :)

  7. great painting - to be honest I like the space marine. Inconstant - feels like he has been in action too long and needs a break. Great stuff

  8. Great painting Quinn.

    The "Crayon Eaters"...oh man...

  9. Wonderful and varied work. Excellent.

  10. Great work, especially the AoS.
