Saturday, 22 March 2025

SimonG: The Closing Wrap for AHPC XV

Doesn't it seem like yesterday that we were all starting out on the painting challenge once again, and now it's all over! 

The Author of All My Mistakes!

Well for me life unfortunately threw me a few curves and my challenge target soon vanished into the distance. Nevertheless I'm quite pleased with what I have been able to do, specifically

  1. Actually managing to finish a project -- my Cold War Gone hot 1980s USSR vs BAOR, although I've now gone and ordered some air support so not sure anything is ever really finished
  2. Continuing work on my ongoing Jewish Revolt and Cathar Crusade Impetus armies in 28mm and 15mm respectively
  3. Completing my two 28mm vignettes for the Witch of the Westmorland, which now are displayed in our living room (first time my wife has given me this honour!)

So it only remains to thank Teemu and all of the, highly productive unlike me, Thursday crew. Also thanks to everyone who commented on my posts -- every comment was really appreciated -- and to all of the other minions for keeping us all on track. And finally of course to Curt and Sarah for hosting us all once again.

I'm already planning for the next one and will this time be more realistic in my aspirations. I'll also endeavour to make some painting progress between challenges but more importantly I'm very excited to be bringing my Temple Mount from AHPC XIII to the table for the first time next week so I look forward to reporting back on how that went.

Until next time wishing you all the best!  Simon


  1. Thanks for sharing your precious hoard Simon, Your 15mm Cathars I have to single out simply because when I first encountered them I thought they were obviously 28mm for the quality alone. Absolutely STUNNING. I abandoned 15mm because I could not adapt my painting style (sounds very luddite). Anyway enough of me - your work is stunning especially the vignettes which if they grace a gaming table and a home is fantastic - all the best for a painting summer.

  2. Well done Simon. Good to see a project is never finished 🤣. Enjoy adding that air support .

  3. Wow, a finished project? I never managed that. A great haul Simon, but being allowed to display figures in your front room, what an honour, give yourself another 100 points! Mine are only allowed in the front room as I walk through to get to my painting desk!
