Saturday, 22 March 2025

From DaveD - The what I did post

 So ends what feels like a really productive challenge for me this year . My 14th consecutive. I may be getting an old hand at this now I guess . So it’s the round up - or being roundly whipped - who knows until the duels wallah publishes. 

I usually have a winter season painting plan that I work to. I don’t usually play in the bonus round spaces unless it fits my own painting plans . Likewise I had terrain planned for production first this year and decided I would just leave it in the schedules. 

I expected to be a bit more varied in output but I found I ended up focussed on two main projects  . Both of these are now fully game ready . I have enjoyed doing both of them .

Project 1 the 15mm winter of 44/5 in the Ardennes .

I am fortunate to have a permanent hobby space and games table so I decided to leave my Ardennes winter table up over the season and just add to it . Overall 90% of this has been completed this year . 


Also needed to add in some Nuns .

I played a first game against MartinC a few weeks ago on the table. The winter set up is being packed up today for a game at the local group tomorrow .

Project 2 is the 10mm Zulus . 1000+ of em! If you look hard enough you might just see Bromhead supervising in the pictures above me . These have seen action already against MartinCs Imperials .


5 weeks to do a 1000 Zulus wasn’t bad at all 


In addition I also completed part of my on going French Guard commission for mad friend Gerry with 4 of his 100 man battalion’s completed .

And a little top up for my Necromunda Van Saar gang The Derr-Flinggers

I missed out on the annual banter with Millsy this year. It will be back in due course . I beat MartinC in the points tally - “oh dear , have sad, never mind” 

1970s cultural reference.Battery Sergeant Major  from “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” . Martin is about as tall as Lofty 🤣

Projects that didn’t get any love this year are seasoning in the “to do” pile . ;-
More ‘Nam , 28mm SAS Rogue Heroes , 28mm Pacific islands , Necromunda , 28mm North West Frontier , 10mm AWI , 10mm ACW , 15mm WW2  . Not like there won’t be plenty of choice next time 

Once again it’s thanks to the behind the scenes crew of Curt and Sarah . Teemu for being an excellent minion . Miles for the spreadsheet of doom. And Ray for not breaking it .Peter for being the duels wallah 

Until next time - Huzzah! 


  1. Your entries were wonderful to see - such a great table!

  2. wow thats a lot of zulus even at that scale. Nice winter scenery.

    1. 1000s of em! I somehow feel the need for another 1000 😆😆

  3. Amazing quality AND quantity as we've come to enjoy from you Dave - well done!

  4. A fantastic Ardennes table and forces. The Zulu were equally as impressive. Seeing your wonderful Zulu's i rather wish i had started in 6 no 28 mm scale.

    1. Thanks - yes I think 10mm was a definite way to go

  5. Nice one Dave, If I was sitting behind all those luvvly figures I'd be smiling, come on Dave show us yoyr teeth!

  6. Loved both the zulus and the Ardennes- very impressive and inspiring!

  7. Ardennes and Zulus, you certainly got a mix of weathers there! Very nice output from you, terrain ate a bit of your points this year, but you still beat Martin. And Ray. And Millsy. And almost everyone else, too. :)

    1. I know - it’s been a good one this year indeed

  8. Fabulous Dave, the bulge build was inspirational, so much so I purchased some winter US troops, I look forward to seeing the table.

    Most impressed though with the Zulus, must resist……. Always great to beat Martin!


    1. Cheers , glad to have inspired a new project . AK snow gel is friend ! . You need Zulus , yes you really do! I shall enjoy my lofty position for this year .

  9. Always a pleasure Mr. D! As usual, I loved all your work but I have to say I was most impressed with your Zulu War venture. Until next year! :)

  10. Great production, the winter stuff is especially inspiring!
