Tuesday, 11 March 2025

TomL, The Just Rulers, Stompy Robots, Contemplative thinker & Pulp (115 Points)

Visiting the Sixth Sphere: The Just Rulers
Keeping with what seems to be my preference for old TV shows this challenge, I submit from Space 1999 - Commander John Koenig & his brave crew.  

Commander Koenig calmly and carefully guides his resilient crew through 2 seasons of unexpected crisis after crisis,  meeting with and escaping multiple humanoid civilizations their runaway moon just happens to pass nearby.  These are Crooked Dice miniatures (Arc Crew 1 & 2) and were painted in TTC acrylics with a tint or two of contrast paint.  These figures plus the ones used in the Limbo entry complete a pulp game project I started in 2020.  Now to attempt to get a game in... 

 I painted more of the new Catalyst Battletech miniatures for a friend who requested the colours of “Olson's Raiders”.

These were base painted with my airbrush using a few Vallejo Game Colour Air purples and black.  Dry brushed with Titan Bluff and washed with my ancient GW purple wash. Bases are Secret Weapon concrete.  

Leading us to the Seventh Sphere where The Contemplatives rest is another young woman from the Pulp Figures Dangerous Dames pack:

This lady prefers a rational thinking man who can see the bigger picture, so we are here to visit with Albert Einstein

I suspect Albert would not have liked Space 1999’s concept of a nuclear explosion accidentally powering the runaway moon through space as opposed to destroying it.  Perhaps he would have reused his quote, “God does not play dice with the universe” or maybe he would just accuse the writers of being really lazy.  This fun to paint Boarshead miniature and our dangerous dame were completed with TTC & Foundry acrylics.   

15 28 mm figures * 5 points = 75 points.
Just rulers & Contemplatives * 20 points each for 40 points

For a total of 115 points.

Another eclectic mix of models this week Tom!

- Paul


  1. Dangerous Dame and Albert look excellent, Tom, and the Crooked Dice crew looks "correctly" cartoonish! And mechs are mechs, bit dark photos, but they look like business, too.

    1. My old camera definitely had issues with the dark paint scheme that I couldn’t adjust. No doubt user error but I think I will try my phone next week.

  2. Now that is a fairly diverse assortment of figures! All with solid brushwork. Well done Tom!

    1. Thanks Greg. The painting desk is getting cleared at this point of the challenge.

  3. Those crisp colours work perfectly on the space crew, spot on

  4. Love the space1999 crew, the future in the past! Nice dark mechs and the dame and Einstein are ace!
    Best Iain

  5. Just love the Space 1999 figures. They bring back lots of memories!

  6. Great entry Tom, really nicely painted

  7. The Space 1999 figures really look the part!

  8. Thanks all. The Space 1999 show has a few great wiki's for trivia like uniform colors. The CD bodies are a bit generic but the faces are really well done & look like the actors.
