Tuesday, 11 March 2025

From DallasE: 1/48 Sdkfz 222 Armoured Car (20 points)

For this week, as promised, I have a 28mm vehicle. It's a Sdkfz 222 armoured car shown in North African service with the Deutsches Afrikakorps.

This model is 1/48 scale from Blitzkrieg Miniatures. It's actually a 3D print, not resin-cast, but I don't hold that against it. A very nice model, not many pieces, and good detail. I added some stowage as was generally the style with the DAK and all of the other combatants in North Africa.

Decals are from the folder, the Afrikakorps palm is from Company B. I need to snug it down with some Microsol or "Mr. Mark Softer" as it's showing a little silvering.

I like the model and it'll fit in well with the rest of my Afrikakorps stuff. Funnily enough I thought at first that the model was overscale as it's longer than my Blitzkrieg Miniatures Sdkfz 250 halftrack. But it tuens out that it's right on the money - Wikipedia lists the 222 as being 4.8m (4800mm) in length so a 1/48 model would be 100mm long... and that's exactly what this model measured.So well done Blitzkrieg I guess!

Looks about right next to a Perry crewman anyway.


1x 28mm vehicle = 20 points

Till next time!



An iconic German light vehicle indeed; especially so in Nord Afrika. The early desert war is a playground for scout cars like this (on both sides) when 20mm autoguns are deadly and ATRs are still worth having!

You've done a great job on the paint scheme too - your blended chipping through the (often poorly applied in real life) desert yellow back to the standard field grey is top notch. Lovely job mate!
- Paul 


  1. Excellent work Dallas - on a vehicle that really "makes" the setting too. It looks awesome.

  2. Nice looking armored car. Excellent weathering.

  3. Lovely angled armoured car, great finish!
    Best Iain

  4. Lovely stuff Dallas. I've always really liked the super capable look of the 222. Such a cool vehicle (great print) and your take on it is terrific. Also appreciate its 'proper' scale as the more common 1/56 stuff just doesn't cut it imo.

  5. That's a stunning looking AFV Dallas

  6. Lovely work on those colours and weathering.
