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I'm the one with the whistle... |
many of the Old Salts would know, the declaration of personal
challenges and paint duels extends back to our very first Challenge
where harmless smack talk sparked healthy (and humorous) competition
between participants. Over the years it has become more formalized with
many 'Paint Duels' becoming part of Challenge lore (if there can be
such a thing). For those who are new to this sillines let me explain:
the challenges and duels allow small groups of participants to test one
another against a variety of criteria. Sometimes it's to see who can
paint the most figures within a particular historical period or genre,
while other duels may be to see who can get to a specific points
threshold first. The sky's the limit - it's really up to your
I've noticed that a few participants have already started to issue a few duels, but I thought I'd dedicate a page for it so we collect them all in one spot. I'll update this page to reflect all the duels so we know what's what before we head into the Challenge next month.
Let's have some fun and let the smack talk begin!
I've already accepted the Scifi duel, but I'm still challenging the challengers for an AmerInd duel. Who can paint the most points of Native Americans.
ReplyDelete1st Nation troops are excellent at stealth and stalking crafts. Stuff an Ojibwa in a Napoleon French Line unit, put an Apache in a WW2 marine squad, a Cheyenne in an Egyptian chariot, or a war party of Iroquois. Army,squad, or single troop are all accepted as worthy. Get that war paint out! Tecumseh, Geronimo, and Tommy Prince all say you are sissies for not trying.
BTW, that color suits your complexion well, Curt; but I'm not sure about the hat. ,)
DeleteThanks! I think the hat brings out my ears. Wait...
DeleteGood stuff David - I think Sylvain is in with us too.
DeleteSylvain, you, possibly Sean, and myself for for Scifi StarLord.( rodents with big guns optional) ;)
DeleteI'm still looking for 1st Nation challenge accepted, but I suppose the Anglos are still frightened of Potawatomis in the woods! ;)
Well having thoroughly enjoyed being involved in a Pulp Side Challenge last year with Curt and Anne, I’d like to issue a similar challenge this year – and hopefully won’t see Curt suddenly take the crown within the last few days like last time :-o
ReplyDeleteHappy to stick to last year's criteria, where we add up the points of any Pulp Era models painted during the challenge and the winner receives a painted Pulp era mini from the others. By Pulp Era we went with anything linked to the first-half of the twentieth century (1900-1950's). So modern sci-fi such as Blake’s 7 and Dr Who won't count but super-heroes created during this period will. In the end I simply stuck to Bob Murch "Pulp Figures" for my tally.
I think both Curt and Michael Awdry are already in for some pulpy goodness…
I would like to throw my hat in the Pulp Challenge ring as well!
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DeleteI'm definitely in.
DeleteSimon, are you accusing me of sandbagging? What an outrageous accusation!! If it were only false... ;)
DeleteI'm in. RCW and some Back of Beyond for me. Will early Cthulhu work? I think HP Lovecraft could be considered 'Pulp' Thoughts?
Absolutely Curt. H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard etc were all great pulp writers :-)
DeleteWe are simpatico. This is going to be great fun!
Delete*buys more cultists*
DeleteI wish to throw the gauntlet down twice my friends.
ReplyDeleteMost 6mm points in the challenge, dare anyone pick it up (I paint a lot less these days)
Most points for Ancients across all scales
I'll hold off on joining this side-challenge for now - I still need to sort out my painting priorities. Chances are that my 6mm Rebs will be up there as they are already primed (unlike most of my other options)
DeleteAs for the ancients, I don't have any in the wings this year although I do have medievals if you want to extend the date range...
DeleteI will join the 6mm challenge! Though I will probably be focusing more on 28mm overall...
DeleteWell my very own patented "Millsgone - Mind bleach" is long lasting as young Millsy is only setting a gentle plodding target he tells me....Mmmwahaha!
ReplyDeleteI'm only holding out because I was concerned you were playing with dangerous chemicals. I didn't want the consequences on my conscience (yes I DO have one)...
DeleteOh and don't forget we have our very own Facepalm page ...where we get to talk about the SnowLord behind his back..
Grrr... (Though I sometimes get back-channel intel from the SnowQueen)
DeleteTis a thing of evil Curt or so I've been told.
DeleteComments are grinding for me again, but I'll accept Blaxkleric's pulp challenge.
ReplyDeleteSplendid news indeed :-)
DeleteExcellent Phil! What are you planning?
DeletePlanning? Pah - I'm gonna make this one up on the fly. For three months.
DeletePretty sure I'll lose this on too ;-)
Does anyone fancy a 101 years War, 1662-1763?? Any figures from that period any scale permitted??
ReplyDeleteWhat scale were you thinking of Ray?
DeleteAny scale, I'll be painting both 15 &25's.
DeleteWhat's your wager? I have a small collection of 28mm 7YW that I could do (Minden) but I think you'll smoke me with your 15s
DeleteI have some SYW stuff I'd like to do along with my ancients/medieval so I may be a contender here as well.
I'd like to issue a Horus Heresy challenge. As the acceptable face of 40k (judging from last year's challenge) I'd like to give it a go as I have a fair bit of stuff to paint for it..... Again!
ReplyDeleteYou mean 30K right? (Please don't hit the pedant. He bruises easily.)
DeleteI do indeed mean 30k..... I'm never sure which is easier for people to understand! Probably coloured by the fact that I prefer the Horus Heresy part of it to to great crusade, so my bias is showing :)
DeleteI think you might get some interest from GregB as he's a huge fan of the 30K (Heresy) period. I think Byron might be another possibility as well...
DeleteOh, I'm in for sure! You're on! I have more reinforcements for Horus' bold vision to improve the universe, as well as large numbers of dupes for the so-called emperor to paint as well...
DeleteAre you thinking 28mm only or EPIC scale also?
DeleteI would LOVE to include Epic stuff as well...
DeleteIn the interests of getting stuff painted (that's what it's all about after all) let's include everything! Both scales are fine and challenge depends on total "points" painted. You realise this may just push me over the edge into getting some epic scale stuff, right? oh well, there is always an aura of inevitability about getting more figures in new scales!
DeleteLooking forward in seeing all the entries this year!
ReplyDeleteI've challenged Paul O'G to an ECW challenge. Who can paint the most ECW models. He'll be painting in 6mm; I'll be working in 28mm.
DeleteIf i hadn't just about finished my ECW army id be keen for this challenge as i only have a few command figures to do i guess there's not too much point,, :(
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ReplyDeleteNick and I are in a personal duel to see who can paint the most straight points(bonus points not included) by the end and the loser has to paint a figure for the winner.
This should be fun to watch as you're both excellent painters. What are you going to be working on Christopher?
DeleteThank you Curt. I'll be working mostly on Ancients/Mediaevals and allowing my butterfly habits probably something else I haven't planned yet.:-)
I'm totally sympathetic to your 'focus' within the hobby. ;)
DeleteAnne O'Leary and I should probably form a cooperative and mutal aid association, given our documented low point totals and numerous life events preventing us from grander ambitions.
ReplyDeleteMartin Cooke and I are going to locked in a side challenge this year.
ReplyDeleteThe 'Cetshwayo Challenge' - Who ever completes the most Zulus by the end of the challenge receives a painted Induna from the other. Martin has very generously agreed a handicap system and so for every one I paint he has to complete four!
'...can't you see their spear points gleaming...'
Delete"They've got some very good basses and baritones, mind, but I wouldn't give much for their tenors..."
DeleteEv, you know what I'm talking about. :)
Delete'Come all this bloody way to get shot by a bullet from Birmingham...'
I once had a boss who insisted on calling me Hughes 672, so yeah, I know alright!
Delete: )
Actually, that might be the best way to differentiate between me and the other Evan H in the Challenge...
I issue the following challenges
ReplyDeleteTo one and all - first to get to most points from Nautical themed entries. To be sporting we shall exclude the bonus round entry points from the Nautical themed round.
To Paul O'G - a 1/1200 Napoleonic sailing vesel challenge
To Millsy - The Spreadsheet of Doom Challenge - which one of us can create the most mind numbing spreadsheet plan for the challenge and then stick to it (kind of). Winner gets to give Curt a 4 hour course on the Joy's of spreadsheets and why financial analysis really is cool.
I accept!
DeleteThe Frostgrave Challenge! Blax Kleric, Scott Simpson and I have agreed to the Frostgrave Challenge: Who can paint the most points of frostgrave related figures. These will include any official Frostgrave figure or other fantasy figure that is thematically appropriate but is not an official figure for another game. Deputes will be referred to the Analogue Hobbies Winter Challenge group on Facebook for the Judgment of the members. the winner of the Challenge shall receive a piece of scatter terrain (or similar items) form the losers. Sing out if you want to take part.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to jump in on that, as a substantial portion of my winter painting is likely to be a couple Frostgrave warbands.
DeleteWelcome to the party Bill
DeleteGreat ideas for side challenges! I'm looking forward to seeing you chaps compete.
ReplyDeleteI'm opening a Dungeon Saga challenge to anyone who is interested.
ReplyDeleteThe winner is the first person to complete all of the miniatures in the core box set. This does not include the furniture and doors as these won't fall under the challenge point ratings.
The winner gets a fantasy model from each of the losers (losers choose what the model is)
Far be it from me to issue challenges to any of this worthy company, as I am but a mere neophyte, and only down for 200 points, but I wish all of you well in your respective endeavours.
Hi Curt - and assorted Challengers! As I mentioned in my email, things are a little less CrAzY for me at this point, compared to earlier this year. I will try for 300 points, and if I manage to better that, so much the better!
ReplyDeleteHappy painting to one and all!
Great to have you with us Kev!
DeleteHi Everyone, this seems like alot of fun and id like to join in. Id like to go for the 2000 points as i have 15 or 16 regiments of 28mm ACW troops i need to have painted by April for a big club event so this would be excellent. Am i too late to join in?
ReplyDeleteAnyone else looking at doing ACW troops?
DeleteI've just thrown my hat in the ring if I'm not too late. I'll also be doing ACW 28mm figures. I plan on 600pts, but I am willing to enter into a little side wager Sir.
DeleteHi Redtroop, What sort of side wager are you thinking?
DeleteHello Redtroop! Welcome aboard. Please send an email so we can set up communication: curtcampbell at mac dot com. Thanks!
DeleteThe details of what needs to be achieved need to be ironed out. But as a wager I thought a command figure to the winner. Lee, Grant etc.
DeleteI like the sound of that. Im aiming to have a lot more points painted than yourself so ho w can we make this fair.
DeleteSet a deadline for the first say 200pts and see where we are then. No extra points just pure painting. If it looks like I'm going to be able to do more than 600pts we can set the end as the finish and most points win. Again just pure painted figures etc for the armies. No extra points counted.
DeleteHello Redtroop. Please send me an email at curtcampbell at mac dot com so we can set up communications. Thanks!
DeleteJuan and I have agreed a small side duel - the race to 100 points. Can I reclaim honour from last year's Spanish Armada?
ReplyDeleteExcellent! I always love a good grudge-match. Sound the call on Drake's Drum, Phil!
DeleteThe Spanish Armada is preparing its best galleons for you, Phil...