Saturday, 21 January 2017

From AlanD - Fallschirmjaeger Support Weapons (95 points)

Following on from my Fallschirmjaeger troops that I finished a week or so ago, here are some support weapons to go with them.

All these figures are metal, from Warlord Games. First up is the Pak 40, which looks quite an impressive beast in this scale.

Next, a MG42 on a tripod mount for sustained fire.

Then we have the much-feared 81mm mortar. I was surprised to find when I researched it that HE mortar bombs were painted maroon. This is a great little set of figures, from the gunner shielding his face to the anxious-looking second passing him the next bomb.

To complete the platoon support options, we have a sniper team, a Panzerschrek and a flamethrower. 

I think I am done now with Fallschirmjaeger, apart from some vehicles in support. I am very happy to take a break from painting Splinter B camo! These 16 figures and the AT gun should give me 90 points or so.


Wow Dux, it has been a real treat to see this force come together.  I'm sure your paras will appreciate all the support on the table.  The camo, the ground work, man these guys really look great.  In particular, I find that PaK 40 model looks really sharp with the crew crowded in all around it. 

I will use my temporary minion powers to crank this up to 95 points, in recognition that painting any German camo pattern from WW2 - splinter in particular - is likely to have long-term side effects and cause long-term brush trauma. 

Well done - take a bow!



  1. Really nice figs, great basing

  2. That's a real achievement - but I don't envy you painting all that camo!

  3. Fantastic outcomes for all that hard work mate, well done. I won't butch about painting Para Denizen smocks around you ever again :-)
    I didn't realise we were both doing AT gun bases this week - we should have a duel!

  4. Well done unit. The fallschirmjaeger were always a favorite of mine and I had some in 20mm at one point in my gaming life.

  5. Excellent. A nice and realistic mix of tabletop support.

  6. These are a very good rendition of troops that occupied the region I livein during the winter fighting of 44-45. Great stuff

  7. Hard bitten vets indeed mate. Love the flame!

  8. Great camo work and the figures look suitably hard worn.

  9. Very good work and a lot of hard effort on it. I undertook trhe same project last year and know that you easily can get truly fedup of painting cammos after the model numer 40...

  10. Cracking job Dux... I bet these turn out to be real swines to beat!

  11. Very fine work all around on them, Dux. The camouflage and basework are top notch! My favorites are the pak and the mortar team.

  12. Very nice brushwork, camo and basing here!

  13. More cracking stuff, well done!

  14. Sensational Dux, this army inspired me to try some Oak Leaf camo, and gave me ideas to fix my Heer camo as well :-)
