Saturday, 21 January 2017

From RobH: There Be Undead Dragons (10 points)

My first submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is a 15mm Undead Dragon to go with my HOTTs Undead Army. It is my first completed work in about two years. I have found it difficult to find time to paint, especially during the day, with the full benefits of natural sunlight. My eyesight is not what it used to be.

The figure is by Reaper Miniatures and is listed as 03644 Skeletal Dragon. I had to hand drill the holes in order to properly glue the wings, but other than that the figure was easy to assemble. The paint job itself was a  black wash over Vallejo  Dark Sand as bone. The figure is mounted on a 40mm x 60mm base covered by Liquitex Black Lava texture gel. I think it provides a nice, simple field for the Undead.

Welcome aboard Robert, with a rather terrifying beast! There has been some really tremendous fantasy beasts making their way off of the painting tables during the Challenge (many today) and this is another excellent bit of work.  I have to say all that assembly sounds like a real chore, but you should feel chuffed to have this total bad@ss ready for the table. 

First work in two years? Well that is one thing I enjoy so much about the Challenge - getting stuff out of the box and under the brush. Well done.

As a 15mm monster, this would be six points, but I'm adding a few extra for the challenging assembly process, and general all around coolness.  Messing with liquitex gel, that is a heck of a project in my book!  That's 10 points for you. 



  1. Nice draco skelly - welcome to this year's Challenge Robert! :)

  2. Great work and great that you're back painting again Rob. Love the lava basing.

  3. Welcome aboard! That's a cool dragon!

  4. Good to have you get in under the line and what a great looking piece


  5. Thank you all for your kind words. Hope to get a couple of more items published this week as I finish off the details on a couple of items.

  6. a 15mm dead dragon ticks all the right boxes as far as I am concerned. I almost want to go and get one despite the fact that I have NO 15nn Fantasy at all.

  7. Wow, that's a dragon to the bone alright, great stuff!

  8. Thoroughly horrible a good way. Well done

  9. That is nice sculpt and done up to a real treat, Robert! Good call on the base as he really pops on it.

  10. Nice work! The good thing about many monsters is that they are scale-less, so he could be a smaller 28mm figure or a gigantic 6mm beast, (Insert joke about scale-less here)
