Monday, 20 March 2017

From Byron: Opinions on a Bloodbowl Uniform

Byron needs Challenger input:

This is the first member of the Greenskin Packers, the QB Eye-gouger Rodgers.  Obviously I tried to copy the Greenbay Packers uniform style, and think it turned out ok, but a bit too white, maybe.  I just could not do the green jerseys as then it would be green on green.

Anyway that's what I did last night and early this evening after taking a nice walk out to Clear Lake with Kim and watching the deers play with toboggans out out back deck. 



  1. I think it actually has worked out pretty good!

  2. I think it looks good Byron, but if you think it's too white, maybe build up the shirt from a pale green base to a white with a slight green tint? :)

  3. I think it works well, you just need a little bit of red! Ok maybe that's why I'm painting landsknechts!
    Best Iain

    1. Lol, I Know, red ones go fasta! Unfortunately the packers dont use any red, so i have to settle for the other ork method of winning, slow and steady and grind the opponents bones to pulp

  4. As a Minnesota Vikings fan, I would say you have captured Aaron Rodgers' countenance perfectly Byron. All you need now are some smug cheese head fans for the sidelines who blather on about how they somehow "own" the team...

  5. I know nutting' about Blood Bowl and don't follow football - but I like the figure and the uni looks great. And if it gets Greg's goat -even better. I also want to see Orc cheese head fans.

    1. I may be able to do that... Paint up some goblin fans with cheddar head hats :-)

  6. I think it looks fine, but would have to see it based. BB teams work well being a bit bright and cartoony. Orcs are a struggle insofar as their skin uses a colour choice.

    1. That was a struggle since the skin is the colour of their home jerseys for Greenbay, so I had to go with the away colours (white) for the needed contrast. The basing will be brown mud with green grass, but being in a cabin in the middle of no where I had to pack light for painting and did not bring my basing materials.

  7. Unusual, orcs in white. I like it!
