Friday, 26 October 2018

Tick... Tick..

Hi.. challenge asylum guard DaveD here.. how’s the stock up going people.

have fun!


  1. There are plans and ideas but mainly completing collections, see Ray Liotta above

    1. Yes.. but plans NEVER survive first contact with the enemy...

  2. 15mm WW2 ,10mm ACW , and the Sudan for me.. , got some nice vignette pieces in mind , there may be more mahdists. I need more.. we’ll want .. but more of a need ..!

  3. I will be returning after my break last year with my usual eclectic mix of figures in various scales.

  4. A couple hundred denizens of Middle earth are waiting, together with last challenge started up yet not continued projects and of course a trainload of pink

    1. I think I may be in for some Middle Earth love as well. Started reading the whole oeuvre again this summer, right from Silmarillion going forward.

  5. [ahem] I may have started prepping already and I may just have about 5 boxes of stuff in the post as I type. Konflikt '47, SAGA Crusades, 15mm WW2, not sure what else...

  6. I have still enough left from last year. Also; seems I will be seeing you (i.e. Dave) at Crisis so we can stock up together eh? ;-)

  7. Does this mean challenge is on? Phew - might try something radical like planning what figures to paint before the challenge starts … Sure will still be my usual level around 400 points ish. Got some old Glory Landsknechts to paint - not sure if you get treble points for these! Jez

  8. Lots of 15mm Napoleonics have been added to the painting lists and some "tiny" terrain projects.

  9. Relaunch of LotR (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game) will get my table flooded with LotR miniatures for next couple of months, occasional Kill Team member and usual randomness. Over 400 miniatures bought/traded more than painted this year. So far.

    1. I'm right there with you Teemu! I plumped down for the new LotR edition and need to get some of the models done.

    2. Ninth challenge and Nine companions. Coincidence?

  10. I'm so in! Just working out what my big project push will be :-)

    1. Time for a new project methinks

    2. Well , one new one , one old one, one you haven’t thought of yet, one from left field, one you have forgotten about... should perhaps cover it!

  11. More landsknechts and gendarmes and maybe all those primed Napoleonic types plus other stuff I think,but am unsure of, situation normal!
    Best Iain

  12. just had a few pleasant days to prep away...need a few more!

  13. Got to clear the painting table of half-done stuff, and then prime the new purchases.

    Norman and Anglo-Saxon Saga warbands, Spanish for the Renaissance, more GW dwarves, Frostgrave stuff . . .

  14. Great trumpet call Dave! (Of course this only works if Blogger's email notification works...)

    Yes, folks, in case you were wondering Challenge IX is in the works!

    I'm currently busy recruiting hapless minions, er, I mean keen-eyed assistants to help me with the seasonal madness. Keep an eye out in about a months time for the announcement.

    As to myself? As usual, I expect my output to be enthusiastically unfocused, but figures will be painted, friendships made and great fun will be had - which is what the Challenge is all about. See you in a few weeks!

    1. Miniondom does sound fun . . .

    2. Ah yes , good old random butterfly .. excellent

    3. Curt, I'm quite happy to volunteer for minion duties again :)

    4. Prepare for a PM Robert.

      Tamsin, I'll keep you in the wings for emergency deployment. :)

    5. All hands, brace for incoming PM! Five, four, three, two . . .

      Joking aside, my dissertation defense will be over by then, so lots more free time and even some sanity!

    6. In the wings? But it will be cold, noisy and greasy in there. Not to mention depressurised and lacking oxygen. Can't I hang out in the crew lounge until needed?

    7. Absolutely, but no dipping into the bar m'dear. I think Peter is still traumatized from that 'incident' during Challenge VI. Really, who knew that thrown high heels and snapping wet bar towels could cause that much havoc?

  15. Good to see everyone is planning for IX already. Have a lot of figures prepped for SAGA in the Crusades along with retro figures from Citadel's preslotta days.

    Looking forward to seeing yet more fabulous brushwork this winter.

    Cheers, Ross

  16. I am getting ready to punish some brushes after a couple of Challenges where I had to call in sick.
    Health's improved so I am ready to Challenge. After perusing through the Room of Shame I have decided to make this the "Vertically Challenged Challenge". Every figure I paint will be a dwarf, goblin, halfling or of a similar compact stature.
    Why? Because I have scads of dwarves, goblins and halflings and I love the little buggers.

    1. That's an awesome personal challenge! I look forward to seeing a host of 'vertically challenged' figures from you.

  17. Currently my wife is (re)reading The Lord of the Rings to me, (yes, she's amazing) so there'll be dozens of Haradrim, Goblins Orccetra on the stocks, a bucket of 15mm Austrians, Celts, maybe more zulus, and plastic Perry knights. I also want to get a Roman army off the ground. Am I being too ambitious? Probably not, because I'll probably abandon all these plans before December. Oh, and Napoleonic Spanish...

    1. Ah, you are so spoiled. Wonderful stuff. I'm dong the same but in Audiobook form. It all makes me very nostalgic. Your to-do list is as varied as my own - I wish you the best in keeping the tiller straight. I know I'll be all over the place with my efforts.

  18. Looking forward to it, settled on a double pronged attack on the 28mm Crusades Project and the 28mm Italian Wars.

    1. Mmm, both of those sound wonderful. I hope to get some Italian Wars stuff done as well (crossed fingers).

  19. Lots of 6mm Cold War goodies for me, along with some 28mm AWI bits and pieces, and also hopefully some 15mm Ancients. Mind you, we are expecting our first baby in mid January so that may all go out the window

    1. Congratulations on the impending Little One, Ben!

  20. After last years rookie challenge in which I just painted whatever took my fancy, I think a more ordered structure may be the way to go in my second year. So I've been preparing 28mm Highlanders for Waterloo which will be the main thrust of this years effort and if all things workout in a timely fashion from the War & Empire Kickstarter I may make a start on a later Carthaginian army in 15mm. I can't wait to get rolling with this again.

  21. Prepping and priming has started - there will be more old school 25mm Minifigs - French Line battalions to assault Wellington's army and maybe I'll make a start on Blucher's contingent. There will be lots of AWI southern campaign troops - Lee's Legion, Continental Dragoons, British Legion and Southern Militia. There are some Saga Normans. In the terrain section I have some gabions still on the shelf from last year and an old Airfix Waterloo Farmhouse. Got a busy Thanksgiving week so hoping nt to miss Curt's e-mail - Looking forward to Challenge Nine!

  22. I'm planning to do a Norman/Crusader force for Saga (and some Saga Mercenaries). I've also got a set of late Romans I'm planning to do so I have some more dark army options.

  23. I am readying the forces of The Sun King for the painting table... Tremendously looking forward to this.
