Thursday 31 January 2019

From DaveS: Unwashed Masses 180 points

So, I managed to miss last thursay, and only finished the planned unit on wednesday morning.  Nevertheless, I therefore present or inspection a further 36 models for my War of the Roses forces.

These are built using the same Perry plastics as the rest of the archers, but I made a determined effort to select out the less armoured looking torsos and legs.  I then based them in 3's to a 40mm base, making them count as open order miltia for swordpoint.  It was nice to be able to paint a unit with a variety of colours after the large numbers of liveried troops I have been working on.

This is also the first one of the units where I have painted and flocked the movement tray as well.  It's a job that I need to do for all of them, and I will probably spend some time in the next week going back and doing the rest of them.  It's a job I've been putting off, but I probably need to get on with.

Coming up next are some skirmishers.  These will be represented as Welsh skirmishers in my army list, and I'm currently trying to figure out how to paint them. I also hope to at least get built some command stands.  All the advice that I have received says that I will want as many of these as I can get, so I'm looking at building another 5 generic Captains, probably with Standards, and then the General, using the Henry Tudor and Standard model, again from the Perry range.

I also have a Kings of War Vanguard force that I need to get started on.  Seems like my New Year's plan is to enter tournaments for systmes I don't have armies for as an inspiration!!!

Anyway, 36 28mm models is, I think 180 points?

What a splendid body of archers, nicely varied and based,it seems like entering tournaments you don't have forces for concentrates your mind wonderfully!
180 points to your total!

All the best Iain


  1. Nice block of archers Dave, I do like that the Perry box sets have the variety of poses and armours so that you can pick and choose to fit your purpose.

    I've always found that Perry figures come out nicely with a wash technique...

  2. Thanks folks. These are basically just base coated and washed, but they look good at gaming distances

  3. Washed, unwashed, they all look great. Terrific work Dave.

  4. Great job Dave. So much cool medieval stuff this year in the Challenge!

  5. Great work, hope you enjoyed a break from all that green.

  6. A nice, colourful entry. Well done.

  7. Excellent! Great motley horde there Dave

  8. Really looking good. Excellent unit. cheers

  9. Wonderful unit, Dave! I'm really digging all the medieval plastics this year and the nice variety you get. I especially like the trudging into place poses you have they have a nice "enthusiastic" posture! ;)
