Friday 28 February 2020

From JezT: Challenge Island Pipers Peak - Swiss Skirmishers (40 points)

Dear All,

Making slow progress along the Path of Imagination. Now Pipers Peak means Mountains and Mountains means Switzerland and this leads to the famous Swiss troops of the Renaissance period. I already had some Swiss pike but did want to get a new alternative skirmisher Swiss crossbow unit to support the pike in any of my Impetus rules games.

Just a simple two figure crossbow entry based as skirmishers. The third picture puts them in position skirmishing in advance of a pike block. Pretty sure these are old Foundry figures.

So that 10 points plus 30 for the challenge – 40 points and on to Roundwood’s Tower. Also got me in the mood to get out my renaissance armies for a game!

Cheers Jez

Another visitor to my Peak whilst I am on minion duty, and what great Swiss skirmishers these are.
