Tuesday 4 February 2020

from JPaul - Salamanders Impulsor (20 pts)

I got a little bit of commission work for a close friend of mine. This is an Impulsor from Warhammer 40,000 (28mm). Conveniently, he's a fellow Salamanders player, so it's at least within my creative wheelhouse. This is a rare case where I had to precisely color match someone else's scheme. Luckily, my buddy sent me a pile of his paints to ease the process. The base isn't done, but that's actually by design! That the one step he still wants to do, and I'm a-okay with that. I love the look of a good base, but I am not a huge fan of painting them. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

For a point of reference, I thought I'd include one of the Intercessors I painted for my own Salamanders just to highlight the subtle differences in our schemes. I think I'll probably use the Impulsor's black moving forward, but I'm a bit more fond of my vibrant green. It's less modern-military, which I actually like for an absurd sci-fi game.

By Paul:
Lovely figs! Neat and crisp with a nice weathered look - I'm sure your mate will love it!


  1. Some fine brush skills on display here John. These new Space Marine vehicles certainly look...different. I'm a grognard for the old Space Marine look and feel, but at the same time I can see GW going for a whole different approach. It's interesting, for sure.

  2. Great looking space marine vehicle!
    Best Iain

  3. Oh dear, I wasn't going to buy one as I don't like anti-grav vehicles but this might be a game-changer, what a great paintjob!

    1. That's an incredible compliment. Thank you very much.

  4. Great looking vehicle John Pau, love the weathering.

  5. I hate the design of the vehicle, but you can't argue about the brilliant paintjob. Well done John!

  6. Splendid work, John - that's an amazing paint job!

  7. It's nice to see you painting again. This stuff looks fantastic but where are the rest of the Necrons?

  8. No idea what they’re smoking at GW HQ honestly. Last time I looked those silly looking silver clad fanatics in power armour were all the rage and now they even have flying Rhinos. Not my cuppa honestly, but your brushwork is definitely ace! The green came out nicely.

  9. I am with most of the others here, that vehicle is complete crap design, which sucks considering your great paint job on it. I have no idea how GW came out with that monstrosity after they hit it out of the park on the 30k Sicaran tanks.

    Regardless of the model, your painting is top notch.

  10. Thank you so much for the kind comments, everyone. I appreciate it immensely! Very motivating to keep at it.
