Sunday 28 February 2021

From DrQ: Kharadron Overladies (50 points)

As I continue to work on my great beast for its eponymous lair, I painted up some custom all-female Kharadron Arkanauts—Kharadron Overladies if you will.

The heads for these Kharadron Overladies are from an Etsy store called FlagshipGamesUS. They looked a little small when I first got them, but they wind up looking fine when actually on the bodies. Also, I used swords rather than axes for the whole squad. I have another box of Arkanauts lying around, and if I build them up as a male force I'll give them all the axes (conversely, I might build the other box as a Kharadron Blood Bowl team).

In order to differentiate the leader more easily, I used the topknot from a spare Stormcast Eternal head I had lying around. 

Other than the head swaps, I've left the models as-is. The armour suites that the Kharadron wear are quite padded so any differentiation of silhouette would be hidden by the the padding. Additionally, I didn't really think that the usual "all women in heels" aesthetic that is found in so many wargmaes was something that the no-nonsense Kharadron would really have any time. A lack of beards would be enough. I found the post "Female representation in wargaming" by Between the Bolter and Me really helpful in making these design decisions.

As far as points, these are ten 28mmm foot soldiers for 50 points total. 

Now back to the giant hulk of the Ironclad! 


  1. Great looking, nonsense dwarf types, lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  2. Very nice looking paint job here, I love the overall dark look contrasting against the bright green and red bits. Awesome work.

  3. Really nice work, I like the jewel tones.
