Thursday 25 March 2021

From DaveD - The Wrap up.

 Well thats a wrap for my 10th challenge . I had a deliberate steady target , and a list things that were to be completed - most of that survived - and my target was indeed met . The left field half way through was a diversion to Vietnam - thanks to MartinC - cheers mate. 

Due to the day job hassles I have only had time and the technical ability (blogger currently hates me)to comment on a small number of your wonderful posts  but there have been some great entries -,well done all 

Lots of 15mm WW2 completed , more fur the  Sudan , and the start of Vietnam

I have lots laid in for next year - in advance of my early escape from the daily grind this summer. 

So thanks Curt and Sarah , the various minions and Miles for the spreadsheet of doom ..
Until next time 


  1. Superb production and not a camel to be seen. Very well done

  2. Lovely output and well done coping with the Vietnam excursion!
    Best Iain

  3. Really nice work on all of these figures. The 'Nam minis look great.

  4. A super challenge for you once again mate - less camels mind, but great nonetheless :-)

  5. Some great lookingvm figures Dave, very well done ol chap!

  6. Excellent collection as usual Dave, now do tell where do I get myself such a luvverly Sennet hat? ;-)

  7. Fantastic work Dave! I really enjoyed both your terrain and Vietnam entries.
