Monday 13 February 2023

AdamC: High Adventure, Under Construction and Black and White 135 Points (1 Squirrel)

I've been quite for a bit catching up on things since my latest round with Covid. I haven't been idle but progress has been slow.  First up is my first 1/700 scale sailing ship of the Challenge.

I'm submitting HMS Sophie from the original Master and Commander. Lucky Jack's first command and the gate way to many adventures across the Mediterranean seen here sailing past a volcanic island (you can just imagine Steven hopping in frustration as we sail past undiscovered natural wonders).

HMS Sophie is a 14 gun Brig built by cutting down two standard Warlord brigs (the other parts will appear in 20 gun sloop later if all goes well. )
Sophie a fine ship ready for many adventures, in the book that included clashes with Barbary Pirates, French Privateers, a Spanish Xebecc Frigate and almost escaping a Squadron of French Ships of the Line. Sophie is descred as having a white streak at her gun ports and this factor is used to desguise her as a Danish merchant.  Brigs at this scale are worth 10 points if I recall correctly.
The volcano was a beat up aquarium piece I picked up for free a year or two ago. I thought she would make a fine terrain piece. 
Her dimensions are about 5"x5"x4" if a six inch cube is worth 20 points so I would suggest 14 points for this one.
One other little detail of the design I used a tealight to create the impression of an active volcano. On to Under Construction.
I have no idea how old these are or when I started them.  I think I started (and almost finished them) in the 2022 challenge but they could be from the previous year (when my last Scotts post was).
This is a group of shooters that I would probably use as irregular infantry. 
The Wolf hound with the officer is a touch a have been adding to a number of my Scotts armies it has no historical basis just a fun touch.  There are 8 15mm minatures so another 16 points. 
Now for Balck and White we have some Games Workshop Goblins for Lord of the rings. 
I felt that Grayscale was perfect for Tolkien's Orks (and Goblins) both because it makes them look like the inhumman monsters that I belive Tolkien intended them to be but because they typicaly liked to fight in darkness. 
I realy like the twisted forms of there boddies though one wonders if such malformed beings could actualy survive in nature, never mind brutalized militerized society but since they are all twisted I guess it works. 
These seven figurese where my test to see how they looked and I will be doing more (hopefuly in this challenge) These Goblins shot get me another Squirrle point (7x25mm figures for 35 points)

OK points review: 
MHS Sophie: 1/700 scale Brig 10 Points + 20 for High Adventure
Volcano: 5"x5"x4" terrain cube14  10 Points (estimated please review)
Highland Scotts: 8 x 15mm 16 Points +20 for Under Construction
Goblins: 7x 25mm figures 35 Points + 20 Points for Black and White

That should put us at 135 Points. 

You have been busy Adam.  Love the conversion on HMS Sophie, I am looking forward to the 20 gun brig.  I assume that you cut a short bow "half" and a "short " stern half of the two hits so that the  long "halve" will make the bigger ship.   You're getting to be a daft hand at the chopping and reassembling of these Warlord kits - a regular Ygor of the sea.  I also love the repurposing of the aquarium volcano feature.

Your math is a bit off on the Volcano - I make it 100/216 of a cube with I am rounding up to 10 points.  But because the minion can both give and take away, I am adding back the 4 points for the conversion on the brig.


  1. Lovely brushwork and pyrotechnics Adam :>)

  2. 1/700 naval battles seem to be the hot topic today! Great goblins, well done!

  3. Nice conversion and terrain work.

  4. Greta figure and terrain work. Excellent stuff.

  5. Good to see you on the move again, Adam. As usual, I like your little ship!

  6. Great looking ship conversion , nice goblins, Scots and volcano!
    Best Iain

  7. Thank you Peter for the correction and for giving the points back for the conversion. Glad you liked the projects.

  8. The ship is fantastic Adam, great job on the rigging
