Wednesday 31 January 2024

From AndrewB: Gladiators and Scratchbuilds, Oh My! [Oversized Books, DIY, Lady Sarah's Cart] (180pts)

Ladies and gentlemen! Last week, we ended my post with True Crime!  This week, I’m hitting Oversized Books with some wildly giant 54mm gladiators from Irregular Miniatures!   These five I originally purchased just to see if they were something I’d enjoy painting, and could use for virtual games so players could more easily see who their figure was vs others (plus, I hear folks like gladiator movies).  They were quite fun to paint, had lots of room to try out some highlighting, which promptly disappeared under a wash(gonna have to change something next time).   In any case, I’ve ordered several more, which you may see before the end of the challenge!

The sculpts aren’t the most modern or absurdly detailed, but they lead to a good clean figure that I really enjoy. Oversized Books places me with two items from Section 6 complete, so that lovely lady gladiator’s gonna hop on Lady Sarah’s Book Cart and take me over to the lower rotunda, for a delightful crack at the DIY room!   

Oh boy, did I DIY my face off with these!   I have a bunch of the anthropomorphized rabbits made by Thomas Foss over at Skull and Crown Strategems, which are delightful to paint up, and supremely fun models to boot!  They needed a place to live, however, and simple holes in the ground for warrens wouldn’t do at all for such sophisticated and warlike creatures.  I decided to make them a few semi buried warrens, which you can see here!

As you can see, the rabbits enjoy the finer things, with little porches and back walks   Three of them likewise stack quite well into a 6x6x6 shipping box, so I’m in luck for both transport and scoring!  

Next up, the rabbits need some sort of communal buildings for governance and defense!   So I put these together!  

These guys are also entirely assembled from cut up cereal boxes, and should provide some semblance of security for the rabbit village from marauding humans, etc.  these were a bit more challenging than the warrens obviously, but were a fun break, and turned out better than anticipated!  I’m still debating what to put on the floors of the towers, maybe you all can provide some suggestions!  I believe I’ll probably add a few clumps of brush, and maybe some flowers, but at least the flowers will have to wait to see how the figures all turn out first   These are oddly shaped, but surely fill a box and maybe two thirds to a half of another, so we’ll go with that.  

As always, the basing materials come from Geek Gaming.  I can’t get enough of these things!

In terms of scoring, we have the five 54mm figures for 50pts (hot dang!), as well as three and a half cubes of terrain for 70pts!  We hit the Oversized Book section, as well as Lady Sarah’s Book Cart, and DIY, for another 60pts, for a total of 180pts this week!  Can’t slow down! 

Also, finally remembered to add my progress picture!  Gonna be a long slog to hit every section. 


 Hi Andrew, it's Assistant Junior Library Assistant Martijn stepping in here, as Greg has unfortunately been detained elsewhere. Some great gladiators you have brought us! They really look the part. I suppose "Oversized" is relative, but hey, I'll grant you your bonus. "For those things that are better when bigger", it seems like you intend to use them that way. However, your DIY project is awesome! Very creative and well executed. I must confess I had to look up the word "warren", so I did learn something today. You have not provided measurements, but I'll trust you on you word so 180 points it is.


  1. The gladiators look fine, but the DIY section is just as great as it is inspirational!

  2. I love your lapine landscaping -- great use of leftover cardboard, now to fit some carrot launchers on the upper floors! I also would love tp see the rabbit warriors too

    1. Oh yes, carrot launchers and cabbage cannons! May be some turnips?

  3. These rabbit mansions look so godd that I'd post in Airbnb too, not just here. Excellent work

  4. 54mm now that's a proper scale! Love the bunny-galos too,

  5. The bunny houses are great. Nice work on the gladiators too.

  6. Wonderful work Andrew. Love the scratch built homes, but my vote is for some more supporting shots of the rabbits as well (maybe in an upcoming post).

  7. Good looking gladiators but really nice scratch building, rabbit town is ace!
    Best Iain

  8. Good fun with the gladiators and rabbits!

  9. Great gladiators and terrain. Well done.

  10. That rabbit village is cool, mad as a box of frogs
