Friday 2 February 2024

From Kerry T - Sheep, Welshmen with a proper Men of Harlech and a few others - 410 points

Morning afternoon and evening all

Apologies but I missed last week's Friday deadline and I suspect only just made this weeks by the skin of my teeth. Thank you Millsy for your forbearance

Maybe my opening picture leaves me open to some jibes - because its a picture of sheep -yes I know there's no way my Aussie mates are going to miss out on the opportunity to rib somebody living in NZ (and a Welshman at that) when he mentions sheep! But here we go.....

Baa Baa Black sheep have you any wool?

Flocking hell, that's a Baaaahhd joke.........

I'm going to claim this as my children's books entry - its a nursery rhyme after all and how many of us in our early years didn't have a book of nursery rhymes?

Hmm.... how many points do you reckon I can claim for this? If you do a quick Google you'll find that there are apparently 25.14 million sheep in NZ, I reckon at least half are in the picture above...

So who looks after these sheep? I hear you ask...

Well its obvious innnnnnnnit...

Little Bo Peep

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep so now she's gone on a bender...

No idea where this figure came from but if you closely at what you see pouring out from the jug then you wine aficionados will clearly see that is a perfect NZ Pinot Noir colour.. nectar of the gods...

Trust me, I know I've just had a few glasses...

Now talking of gods leads me on to the next subject - yes - gods - otherwise know as Welshmen...

Footsore Miniatures Late Medieval Welsh

Please note these are not running away, they are Welsh, we don't do that, they have just turned  face 

So what's the difference between Plaid and tartan?
Google says.... "
Both plaids and tartans are woven strips that meet at 90 degree angles. Tartans have an identical pattern if stripes rubbing vertically and horizontally. resulting in overlapping square grids. Regular plaids are not necessarily the same in both directions, with variation in colour, size, and /or pattern of stripes"

Don't ask me I just put paint on them

Welsh Knights pack from Footsore

2 packs of Welsh Hearthguard from Footsore

See the man 3rd from right, his bloody sword arm fell off just after I took this photo

Hopefully this lot of handsome valleyboys will count as my local history bonus

Now I'm sure you've all heard Stanley Baker and his mates sing "Men of Harlech"  in the film Zulu...

If you think that gives you goosebumps then the original Welsh version surpasses that by so much and will make your heart stop. I wish I could sing it for you and record it here

"Wele Goelcerth wen yn flamio a thafodau tan yn bloeddio, ar y'r ddewrion ddod i daro'n unwaith eto'n un"

(Behold a bright beacon flaming and tongues of fire shouting for the brave to come fight once again as one....)......

..."Wele faner Gwalia'i fyny....rhyddid aif a hi"

(See the flag of Gwalia on high....freedom she shall have")

Welsh commander, champion and standard bearer

Ye olde Tom Jones and the bishop

Now having posted the Welsh, we'll go down a notch and post some pictures of English 😁

Bloody Miniatures ECW cavalry

Bit of a rush job painted in 3 days

The Lobsters

The Flashing blades

The Moss Troopers

and finally the Troopers

These are such lovely figures and so well advertised by Captain Blood on the Bloody Miniatures site . Its really good to hear that he's expanding the range now to produce units rather than just figures for skirmish sized games, For the moment these cavalry have been based singly but in time I anticipate incorporating and probably re-basing them for cavalry regiments in close order.

Final offering, more Victrix Normans , this time painted up as  Andalusian/Moorish cavalry for the Reconquista. Shields by LBMS transfers - its extraordinary to think that this is the same pack of heavy cavalry painted up in an earlier post, well done Victrix

Thanks as always for your encouragement

In summary

1 Flock of a million NZ lamb shanks - say 15 points?
1 female figure for Lady Sarah's library cart bonus  = 20 points
Children's book bonus = 20 points
18 x 28mm Footsore Welsh Medieval figures @5 points = 90 points
Local history bonus @ 20 points
12 x 28mm Bloody Miniatures ECW cavalry @ 10 points = 120 points
12 x 28mm Victrix Andalusian Cavalry @ 10 points = 120 points
Total 405 points
Squirrel x3 

Many thanks

From Millsy: BOOM! That's quite the points bomb Kerry and contains a boat load of beautifully painted kit. I've been waiting almost a week to see these sheep after our chat for starters. Love the detail on the plaid and the shields especially, and I'm a little gobsmacked at the level of quality here given how fast you churned these out. You neglected the 5 points for Little Bo Peep herself so that lifts you total for the lot to a stonking 410 points! Cracking effort mate. 


  1. Cheers -Thanks for taking the trouble to post this Millsy, apologies for its late arrival. Looking forward to Tuesday chat, shame I'll miss this evenings as I'm out at a party

  2. Excellent submission Kerry. Your locals are great, with the banner and shields too notch. Well done.

    1. Thanks Bruce I'm definitely keen on shield transfers

  3. Wow. Fantastic assortment of wonderfully painted figures. While the million sheep are impressive the. Bloody Calvary and those plaid cloaks are my favorites.

    1. Thanks Tom, surprisingly the plaid doesn't take that long

  4. Some fantastic cloak work, really impressed

  5. Fantastic post with great range of figures and painting - love seeing the Welsh and as mentioned already superb paint job on the cloaks.

    1. thanks Todd, spearmen next but I think their cloaks will be plain

  6. What a points bomb! Lovely work, if those sheep are lead it must be a heavy lump to paint!

    1. Cheers Peter but I missed posting last week so its 2 weeks work

  7. Wow! What a fantastic bunch of entries!

  8. Great stuff, excellent all around but those repurposed Victrix Cavalry steal it for me.

    1. Thanks Peter - the Victrix cavalry boxes are now so versatile its great

  9. I love seeing all that horse in this entry! I hope to get to my Bloody Miniature horse by the end of this challenge. Great work!

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to seeing your horse

  10. So much to admire in this submission, Kerry. I particularly like the Moorish cavalry and the dismounted Welsh knight in the pot helm, looking down. So cool.

  11. Thanks Curt, you're right that is a lovely figure

  12. Great work Kerry, love those Footsore miniatures!
