Sunday 25 February 2024

From PeteF: Leatherface/Ed Gein Chainsaw Massacre-er True Crime (25 points)

The real life crimes of Ed Gein inspired the mostly fictional 1970s horror movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  I was around 14 when I saw it - still gives me the heebie jeebies.  Gein's grisly crimes - including murder and grave robbing - happened in Wisconsin - not Texas. Gein has inspired several fictional serial killers - among them Psycho's Norman Bates and Buffalo Bill in the Silence of the Lambs.

As part of their horror movie line Studio Miniatures produced this character, one of the "Butcher Brothers" (now available from Hayland Terrain).  I have several of the horror minis for incorporation into my Horror themed Nightstalker army for Kings of War.

Leatherface doesn't yet have a place in a Nightstalkers unit, so I'll just leave him in the cabinet to creep out its other inhabitants - the 12.5mm Napoleonics look particularly diminutive and vulnerable next to this monster. 

5 points for a 32mm figure plus 20 for the True Crime location.

Lovely Model there Pete, and a good reflection of the monster! And I guess it can be used for True Crime being that he chops up his victims something fierce there! 
Curious where you will head to next in the Library halls without a Sarah's cart you have Oversized Books or Self Help lined up. Watching with interest!
25 pts for you


  1. Haven't seen the film and not in a hurry to, but nice work!

  2. now there's someone I wouldn't
    like to meet in a back alley or even on the main street, nasty. Great painting

  3. Definitely fits the mad creep bill. Texas Chain Saw Massacre a real blood fest.

  4. You really can get anything in Miniature these days can't you? Great paint job.
