Sunday 4 February 2024

From PeteF: Sea Nymphs in the Romance Section (35 points)


At first glance, The Pile of Potential didn't seem to have anything for the Romance section. Then I found this sculpt at the bottom of a box of odds and ends bought as a job lot a few years ago.  I purchased the lot for some eagle riders and tree men, never thinking I'd have a reason to paint these sea nymphs. Nothing says Romance like The Baroque.

Flesh/nudes are super hard to paint and I'm no expert - I watched 3 or 4 You Tube videos for ideas and had a couple of false starts.  I'm reasonably happy with the end result - it's not great but it's given me the desire to keep working at it and do better next time.  I think thinner paints and more glazes are called for.

As long as they don't offend I can use these as a playing piece in Kings of War - there's a faction known as Trident Realms who have various magic users that could be represented by these nymphs.

3 x 28mm nymphs plus bonus for the Romance section for 35 points(?) 

With 3 sections done in room 2, I'm ready to move to an adjacent room... or perhaps skip one using Lady Sarah's Cart.


Wonderful interpretation of the section here Pete, and a great piece for it as well. Agreed that skin can be very difficult to get right, especially on female sculpts. Being that if you shadow too much, you can overage the model. If you don't do enough it can look so simple. Glazes, and the like, are the way!

Great piece, and 35 pts for you


  1. Great work Pete. I love the pale blue eyes on the nymph at the bottom. I think you got a great skin tone and a nice smooth finish (which is what I struggle with on this sort of thing!)

  2. Very nice. The blending in the skin is fantastic.

  3. Great work and nice sculpts. Both the skin tones and the water are well done.

  4. A cool post. The paint work on the skin is to my eyes very good

  5. Nice sculpt and splendid paint job!
    Best Iain

  6. Beautifully done Pete. You've absolutely nailed the skin tone! What was the sculptor thinking giving the topmost nyph some ripped abs?

  7. The nymphs look great, watching those videos seems to have been a good investment of your time.

  8. "naked nymphs" is a great phrase in google, I guess... Yes, looking for tutorials. :) The skin tones look great, the videos were worth watching!

  9. Fun stuff. Well done nymph wise.

  10. Lovely looking nymphs Peter! Really smooth brushwork on their skin tones and hair.

  11. Wow Pete that is a fantastic model
