Sunday 4 February 2024

Sunday & Anniversaries


So a bit late night last night as me and my partner celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary. How she has put up with me and my miniatures for that long is beyond me.. but hey.. there you go! 

And it got me to thinking of this challenge a bit, and how we are basically celebrating the anniversary of its creation each year! This being the 5th year that I have fully participated in the challenge ( and I think only the 2nd time in those 5 that I haven't moved house in the middle of it! ). And I know, looking at the Minions excel, that there are quite a few that have been coming back year after year to help make this challenge the success that it is!

With that, as one does when celebrating an anniversary.. here's a toast to everyone new and old in the challenge!

For today, we have some wonderful pieces from the Sunday crew. So grab some bubbly, and have a gander at today's post!


  1. Nice picture of you too newlyweds (looking at 35 years this fall). Have a great day.

  2. Great picture. Congratulations! That's a serious milestone.

  3. Congratulations to your and your missus, Kyle!

    Yes, I never really thought of it that way, but you're right, each Challenge is an anniversary or sorts. I'll have to think of something involving crystal for next year. :)
