Monday 26 February 2024

From SanderS: Part 2 - The Statue of a Famous Person. The Green Knight (30 points)


As I said in my other post earlier today, I have a Green Knight figure to paint for Herman (I have one myself) and got it done for today's post. 

He fits this category specially since I think he's one of the most famous characters from the Bretonnian army range as well as a famous figure out of the tales around King Arthur. I read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight during my teens and should really read it again but have such a long "to read pile" I haven't come round to it yet.  

As for the figure, I have painted it as much as possible as per the instructions from Herman, it's actual owner but with a bit of artistic license. To me this is one of the coolest figures in the range still and have loved seeing it used in Battle Reports online. 

Arthur and I played our first game of The Old World last week and his Goblins beat my Dwarfs using their loony fanatics who decimated my blobs of warriors in no time. 

We are pretty heavy involved in TOW at the club as well and I will be playing my next game this Friday. If you are into Bretonnians as much as me, try out the fan-made Moussilon supplement (you can download it through which has some excellent background stuff and lists for a very tasty "evil-Bretonnian" force. 

Now points are easy 10 for the Green Knight and 20 for the location making another 30 for the list.

Cheers Sander

Sylvain: Your justification for "Famous Person" is well argued and your miniature is brilliantly painted. Two good reasons to add 30 points to your tally. You make me want to visit Bretonnia... Congratulations on Arthur's victory. I'm sure there will be more gaming and painting in The Old World.



  1. That Green Knight is a beauty, Sander (have you seen the new(ish) movie? Lady Sarah and I quite enjoyed it). Good on Arthur to show his dad how its done. That being said, I wouldn't trust Fanatics to perform the same from one battle to the next. It's all about the call of the mushrooms...

    1. I haven't seen the movie yet, will try to figure out where to watch it.

  2. Great work on this very green Knight. Love the spare lances.

    1. Thanks, they are actually supposed to be banner poles, but the banners are sadly lacking.

  3. Great work Sander, glad to see you enjoying the Old World!

  4. Love this model. Did have one for a while. Nice paint job

    1. yeah, I think it's the most iconic figure from the range.

  5. Great work and enjoy the return to the old world.

  6. The Green Knight is marvellous!

    1. thanks Sarah, he worked out quite well even if I say so myself!

  7. Lovely job on a classic model Sander- I need to get myself one!
