Monday 11 March 2024

From Curt - Peter's Halberdiers now based up (5 Points)

Hey There!

Last week Peter posted some 10mm Warhammer Fantasy Empire halberdiers that he, falling to my Tom Sawyer's sales pitch, painted up for me  (thanks again, Pete!). As we were having the nail-biting conclusion to our fantasy campaign that Friday, I suggested that if he could quickly drop off the figures to me then I'd have them based-up and ready for the game. 

I got to work on them Thursday and managed to get the unit done for its debut on the tabletop Friday (to which our worthy minion Sylvain with his Wood Elves emerged victorious after a hard-fought battle). 

Upon opening the package of minis I remembered that I didn't give Peter enough figures to completely fill a regimental base. No worries. I knew I could make up the real estate with other terrain to balance the base.

Over the course of our Warhammer Fantasy campaign, Peter has had horribly consistent luck in blowing up his own Steam Tanks. When his Imperial forces take the field there is usually some earth-shaking detonation and mushroom cloud marking the destruction of yet another one of Leonardo's wondrous inventions. So I decided to paint up and put in a wrecked Steam Tank to mark Peter's experience with these fickle contraptions. 

I also did up a building I had in stores from Knucklebones miniatures. The designer doesn't do too many building designs, but I really like the small assortment he's offered to date. This one has that wonderful wonky and slightly decrepit Old World look to it.

The halberdiers gave Peter good service last Friday night, but fell to the typical fate of all newly painted figures. Still, there's always a next time!

As to points, maybe just 2-3 points for the basing? I'll leave it to our worthy minion to come up with a suitable score.


 - Curt 

Sylvain: Why paint separately miniatures and scenery when you can have them together on the same base? That's one crazy feature of your crazy 10mm fantasy collections that make them so unique. I also like the "legacy" aspect of adding the steam tank and telling its story. It will regularly bring up battle episodes ending with a big "ka-boom". I'll make this post worth 5 points.


  1. The built in scenery really makes these bases unique. Love it.

  2. Hey pretty good recycling, two sets of points from the same unit! The unit looked great until it fell victim to having its flank exposed to a giant. You'll note that I stopped fielding steam tanks.

    1. Recycling indeed! At least they got pulped by a worth opponent as opposed to running away from a break test.

  3. Exploding tanks? Sign me up!

  4. Sounds like great fun. Great basing and add ons.

  5. Diorama wargame figure bases? - thats an inflexion? in my head - I like wargames bases that are more than just figures so this is one I like even if I can't get my head round this minute scale

    1. Haha! I know, I've been mixing 'media' with this project. Glad you like them. :)

  6. It's all your fault Curt, I keep wistfully looking at 10mm fantasy armies at shows. I might have to break and buy a couple this year. Lovely work.

    1. You should! They are tremendous fun to work on.

  7. Great submission - the terrain & figures combined on one base is a stroke of genious!

    1. Thanks, it's a shameless cheat when you're tired of painting enough figures to fill a base. :)

  8. Great work dude, and I love the acknowledgement of Peter's "steam tank experience". That building looks so nice too - it immediately evokes the amazing "Old World" of GW's Fantasy setting with just a glance!

  9. Excellent terrain/story additions to the Empire infantry!
    Best Iain

  10. what a whopper, and so completely in style with Old World!

    1. Thanks Sander, I love the whole Renaissance adjacent feel to the Old World. So fun to work with.

  11. Excellent work Curt, that Leonardo model is a great find and I love how the base thus tells its tale. Well done!
