Monday, 11 March 2024

From TeemuL: Warriors of Delmonteland (50 points)

Working on with the box project this time. In January I bought Wars of Insurgency rules after reading the review in WSS. I liked what the review said about the system and I also saw the game as a possibility to some conversion projects and a group work. What I didn't realize, that I didn't have any minis for the rules (nor terrain), but I was hooked after reading the rules. Then one thing led to another and I dug up this US Marine Raider Box, which came in a Warlord Games Mystery Box last year. These minis would be a nice test project for the main project.

After some chat with our group it came obvious, that not everyone was comfortable playing a post WW2 wargame, where the values and agendas are not "fresh" an history might be too close. I understand and accept that and we started to play around with imaginative conflict in an imaginary area - alternative history or something. So my US Marine Raiders got a new camo, some sort of a desert camo, although they seem to be in a jungle now, and they will be fighting for some one in the conflict of Delmonteland. Heinzenstania has reportedly some own agendas based on historical borders and Afrovision is keen to protect their rights and people. World Police will be represented by United Federation of Kindness (UFK - try to pronounce it like a word...).

The paint job was quite fast, just the basecoat, dotted camo here and there and then a brown wash. I experimented with different tones, so some of the clothes and skin areas are different, bringing some realism. I decided to paint all the equipment brown, grenades green and guns black or wood and metal. Not a force for rivet counters, but they are exactly correct, because they are imagination. :)

I got some basing materials with my latest order and tried them out with these. The end result is quite a jungle, I think, and I like it. The camo is not practical there, but if it is a dense jungle, then the colours doesn't really matter...

I have couple of special weapons more, but lets see if I can manage to paint them during the challenge. My emptying the boxes project is going well, as you can see. 50 points for 10 models, please.
Sylvain: A great little project done quickly. The miniatures are colorful in a military sense. Nice paint job!


  1. Nice repurposing and amusing force names. We will see the forces of KFC or Starbuckistan?

    1. Thank you, Peter! Nice ideas, we'll see, but of course you can create your own campaign with them?

  2. Great post Teemu and very nice work on these repurposed raiders.. I really like how you developed your Imagination setting to fit your group's feelings on the rules.

    1. Thanks Curt! The campaign is now more comfortable and it allows wide range of minis and conversions to be used. And still be "real."

  3. Great work Teemu. Get those boxes recycled! ;-)

  4. Hello Teemu, I am a fan of imagination and fantasy ideas as well as historical gaming. 20th century wars are still political (in my head) so excellent choice of a "other world" - delmonteland - sounds like there could be some fruity action! (sorry). Anyway its nice to see some invented camo warriors, and i am into base gardening so the jungle ground effect gets my vote and best of luck with the new game.

    1. Thank you very much! I hope the whole campaign doesn't get to bananas, but we'll see. ;)

  5. Good job with these figures Teemu!

  6. Great looking imagination marines!
    Best iain
