Saturday 16 March 2024

From PeterB - The last visit to the Library with a few stragglers - 65 points

Are we really at the end already? It seems like five minutes since we started. My favourite thing about the challenge is that it fills that gap between Christmas and the first show I go to each year, Salute. Next month I will be off to London for the day where I will do my best to refill the leadpile again. These couple of months really keep my hobby itch occupied until then.

When I first glanced at the challenge map I wasn't sure I would be successfully traversing it, never mind visiting every stack. A task that wasn't necessary and only a crazy fool like myself would attempt. Last stop, Biography.

For this stop I have painted the historical figure of Jeanne De Clisson, known as the Lioness of Brittany. Jeanne was a French/Breton noblewoman born in 1300. In 1330 she married her husband Olivier de Clisson. Both of them were previously widowed and Olivier had a son from his first marriage. They then went on to have five children. In 1342 Olivier was captured by the English when they attacked the city of Vannes. His release was eventually arranged but the French Kings Lieutenant, Charles de Blois, declared the ransom too low and therefore accused Olivier of being a traitor and not defending the city to his fullest. After a failed attempt at a rescue by Jeanne and Oliviers oldest son, Jean, Olivier was beheaded in August 1343.

For her attempts to rescue her husband, Jeanne was now charged with Rebellion, disobediance and excesses against the King. (Oh and she also tried bribing the King's Sergeant) Jean died in June of that year and now Jeanne was tried in absense. Jeanne swore revenge against the King, sold all her estates, raised a force of 400 men and had three ships converted for Piracy. A 13 year career of piracy and privateering for the English followed. Jeanne died in December 1359 a few weeks after the death of her fourth husband Walter Bentley.

The model as you may have guessed (if you didn't already know) is from Bad Squiddo Games. She is sculpted by the talented Kev White.

The Space Orks painting has continued as well. A slaver and some Nobs. (They really did have fun with naming stuff back in the 90s.) The Nobs were all missing arms, so a good delve in the bits box later and some cutting and filing and I was quite pleased with the result.

As I have left it to the very end to complete all the stacks, I shall not be requesting a challenge from Head Librarian Curt for the last stack for Rare and Antique books as I have run out of time. I will however, give an alternative finish to the challenge that I have been saving from my old school 40K project. What better to paint for the end of the challenge than a Librarian?

Another model that I first painted back in the 90's, he has had a good dip in biostrip. He did have a couple of layers of paint on him. I first painted him entirely red, then discovered that in those days Librarians all wore blue and only had their army colours on one shoulder. Then he had another layer of paint from repainting all my Spam when I was enthusiastic about Brazen Brass shaded with brown ink. 

It took a good 24 hour dip to get him shiny and new and now you can see the details again that were lost in the thick crust of paint. I'm not overly happy with the banner, but I can easily print off some others to try until I am happy. 

So to my final points

7 x 28mm infantry. 7 x 5 = 35 points

1 x 28mm cavalry. 1 x 10 = 10 points

1 location = 20 points

Total = 65 Points.

From Millsy: Ahh..... seeing goblin green bases on orcs is like sitting in the sun, it's just good for the soul. Love what you've done with them Peter, especially the deep red and the arm conversions have worked a treat. I wouldn't have known some were swapped in had you not said so. Jeanne De Clisson is great work too and I really enjoyed the backstory. Nice work and another 65 points for your tally mate!


  1. Very impressive run through the library. I love the finish on the historicals and the orcs have a ton of character. Great work!

  2. Jeanne de Clisson looks super! Great work all around Peter!

  3. That's really impressive library perambulation - well done on completing so many entries!

  4. Love all the old school 40k. Jeanne story and painting is wonderful. The king certainly messed with the wrong lady.

  5. Great dynamic red colour on Jeanne de Clisson, and what a tremendous bit of history … more swashbuckling lady pirates please!

  6. Love the orcs, red and green is such a classic combo!

  7. The Lioness is a great sculpt! Love the klaws on the nobs.

  8. Great work and background information. Well done.
