Saturday, 28 December 2024

From GavinB, Some Walking Dead All Out War Vehicles and a unit of Fodder for T28 (140 Points)

This Christmas I was graciously granted The Walking Dead All out war 2024 Collectors Edition, and an extra box of perry French Napoleonic infantry! There is no better way to spend holiday break than painting up more miniatures! 


Looking through the assortment of minis that comes with the collectors edition of this game I figured it would be best to begin with the cars because I have not painted a vehicle in a very long time, also due to the fact that I am not fully sure how I want to base the actual miniatures yet... There is really not to much to say about these so, Four 28mm vehicles for 80 points!

A bullet hole in the windshield... Someone's a good shot 

Does not look like this cars going anywhere anytime soon...

I made this truck less broken down then the rest because we plan on using it for a scenario where you have to get it up and running before the enemy survivor group finds out and stops you.

This truck needs a good cleaning.


My new regiment, the Parsnip Pustules 91st was looking way too small, with only one toady and a unit of chaff, I wanted to add a unit of fodder, and since I had received a box of French Napoleonic perry plastics I decided to take the opportunity to pull out my green stuff and clippers and get to work mutating these little fellows, chopping off their torsos and replacing them with those of Agincourt foot knights from a previous project, then I did some sculpting to their helmets to fit the signature Turnip 28 art style! I also was given the Woodland Scenics water effect for Christmas and had a lot of fun sloshing this stuff on their bases to give them that muddy effect. Twelve 28mm foot figures for 60 points!

Anyway sorry for boring you with my ramblings, now, the photos!

Sorry for the camera angle, it was hard to get them all into the pictures

I put my graphic design to use and made a flag on photoshop. Hand Painting them is too hard for me! I have a lot respect for those who can do that.

Adding up the points for cars and the Fodder should total up to 140 points (If my math is correct). Huh I think I set my point target too low...
Happy painting everyone!!


Great work Gavin. I have this same set of vehicles and they're such wonderful bits of kit. I like how you've weathered them, especially the dusty windshield on the last one. Personally I wouldn't bother basing them as I think they look great just plopped on the tabletop as is, but horses for courses. I'm loving your Parsnip regiment! I did a large force of Turnip28 models a few editions ago and really enjoyed the whole free-ranging, no-rules approach to it. I especially like your dolorous standard bearer - great work on the mods. These guys will make great fertilizer to the Great Root in your coming games.

- Curt


  1. The turnip troopers look dismally decrepit, i.e. perfect. Love the walking dead vehicles - reminds me I have a few on the shelf myself.

  2. Nice work, especially the vehicles. Very convincing damage and weathering you've done there.

  3. Wish I could get vehicles to look so good!

  4. Nice work. Really like those cars.

  5. Brilliant job on the vehicles

  6. Your smashing it Gavin great work on all these I especially love the cars they look stunning

  7. Very turnippy fodder - noice. Your vehicle weathering is outstanding.

  8. Nice weathering on the vehicles, and always good to see Turnips.

  9. Great vehicles and weathering is fab. The veggie troops are also great.

  10. More creepiness from the Turnip troops, and a clear junkyard vibe for the wrecks.

    I like the sound of the planned scenario for the truck, though I am somewhat well known for trying to get vehicles as terrain started.

  11. Very well done! The vehicles in particular have come out nicely

  12. Good looking fodder and nice cars!

  13. The figures are really well done, but the weathering on those cars is really excellent!

  14. Really like the weathering you got on those vehicles!


  15. More turnip madness but those cars are just stunningly good

  16. Great work again Gavin!
    Did you rob a junkyard?
