Saturday, 28 December 2024

From PeteF Shadow Hulk breaks out of Limbo (40 points)

This large gribbly horror is a Shadow Hulk from the Nightstalkers faction in Kings of War.

He's 7" (185mm) tall - much bigger than what I usually paint - which is one of the reasons he stayed in limbo for more than a year.  Encouraged by the category - and that he has that one-of-the-circles-of-hell vibe - I knuckled down and finished him.

I make that 11 skullz for this entry including the ones on each side of of the creature's head.

Not really any prettier from behind. The model is from Mantic Games and is a mi of resin pieces and a plastic giant figure - they thought it would be a good idea to use this plastic giant as a basis for other giants - frost giant, rift-forged Orc giant and this one.  

I joined this merry band for Challenge VIII and haven't missed one since - back in those halcyon days I wasn't fully employed (at least at an office by someone who was paying me).  I've had to set my points sights a little lower and don't have as much time as I'd like to enjoy and comment on everyone's work - but here goes...

At 7" I think this giant is worth maybe 20points plus 20 for limbo for a total of 40 to get my Challenge XV started.  Good luck everyone - may your paints flow smoothly and you brushes twirl swishily!

40 points
.8 of a squirrel
11 skulz


Lovely to have you back with us Pete (Challenge VIII? Has it been THAT long - yeegads)! 

This is one big brute (7" is quite impressive, as the ladies say). That being said, as scary as he is, his face ironically reminds me of a Jim Henson creature, perhaps Grover or Cookie Monster?  Still, I'd definitely be getting my coat if he crested the horizon. Very Noice!

- Curt


  1. That thing is huge. Worthy of a full squirrel.

  2. Great entry Peter, definitely needs to see a doc with all those pustules!

  3. Brutish indeed. A nice centerpiece for an evil fantasy army

  4. Wonderfully grotesque! I feel like I can smell it as well as see it.

  5. A very pink and very nasty looking beastie!

  6. Very nice - a bit of a Cthulhu vibe going on there.

  7. That's one nasty looking creature, great entry

  8. Quit beastly looking. Well done.

  9. That's a massive walking pile of pink. You'll definitely see him coming!

  10. Very... interesting model! Nice colours and good brushwork!

  11. Oh dear, wouldn't want to bump into this one at night...or by day come to think of it! But the painting is very good.

  12. OMG "that" is ugly. But the brushwork is fantastic.
