Friday, 27 December 2024

From MartinC: My usual random start (198 pts)

New challenge, my 10th (or 9th or 11th). As usual I have a whole range of lead mountains to paint. However there has been a dramatic change of circumstances and total loss of mojo.  I took early retirement in August and moved house to be closer to my family. Since then I have been working on the house, it was quite leaky. I'm almost at the decorating stage.

So my plan for the challenge is to paint a 28mm Napoleonic Bavarian division, obviously I'm not doing that yet. Instead, along with a friend Ian we are doing Barbarossa in 10mm for Rapid Fire Reloaded. I have found an excellent campaign game called Kicking in the Door on wargames vault and have tweaked it a little bit. 

We are both building Germans and Russians, and will both have 6 or 7 battalions of each side. I have had most of mine for Christmas but had a few Germans to paint 

German armour

Command bases, mortars, machine gun and AT

Most of a motorised battalion,  needs 3 more bases plus transport

The barbarossa stuff will take up most of the start of the challenge 
As usual I will also have a load of random things to paint

1st up a 28mm steampunk mechanical octopus. I picked this up 2nd hand but don't know who made it and can't find any pictures on the web, so it was a bugger to put together. I fo love it though, it is very dynamic.

Next some skeletons picked up in a sale. I do love skeletons, they are a joy to paint

Finally I recently bought a massive Spanish style villa from JB wargaming and will use it as a convent in Vietnam. So needed some nuns. Never type in 28mm nuns on Google. 99% of the results are NSFW. These are from Westwind and are OK.

Scores on the doors

10mm vehicles 7 x 6 = 42

10mm infantry 70 x 1 = 70

10mm artillery pieces 7 x 3 = 21

9 x 28mm foot = 45

1 x 28mm vehicle aka octopus = 20

Total = 198

Have a great new year


It's great to have you back Martin! It sounds like you've had a LOT on your plate this year so I can understand the loss in the hobby mojo. That aside, you seemed to have roared back with your opening entry here! I missed the return of Rapid Fire, but I can see how that would cause some interest in 10mm WWII as it was such an iconic ruleset in the 90s. Great work on this German force - you'll be doing Russians too, right? I can help you the provenance of the Clockwork Octopus as I have one sitting unbuilt on my desk. *sigh* It's from Kawe over at Westfalia Miniatures, but its now long out of print. Kudos to you in it's assembly (it's a beast) and you've done an excellent job on all of its brass, steam-fitted glory. And who doesn't love some skellies and nuns? The only thing that could possibly make it better is NSFW nuns. *cringe*

Great stuff Martin. I'm looking forward to your oncoming onslaught of painted minis! 

- Curt


  1. Looking forward to the random event generator that is your brain (and dyour lead pile)! Your pal and you are fielding 12-14 battalions a side for a WW2 game? Madness. That’s my goal for a horse and musket game where the battalion is the base tactical unit!

    1. Cheers. Plan is only to field about 5 battalions per side but we both wanted both sides. Helps with campaign

  2. Quite a lot of everything here, Martin. White and blue nuns look ace, well done.
    Now to the Google...

  3. Wonderful post Martin. A potpourri of miniatures. Like them all and love the nuns. Looking forward to seeing the Bavarians.

    1. Thanks, don't hold your breath for the bavarians

  4. That's a eclectic mix! The steampunk squid is cool.

  5. Lovely job on the nuns, and that octopus looks like a nightmare to assemble.

  6. Very eclectic and smoothly painted mix - looking forward to seeing what pops out next!

  7. Fantastic work Martin! Great start my friend

  8. Nice work on a really varied selection of miniatures. Always amazing what a google search finds.

    1. Ta, Google can terrifying with parental controls disabled

  9. Very nice work all round, Martin! Those 10mm Germanz look particularly interesting. Always been tempted by the scale but never gave it a go...

    1. Ta. If I had my time again I would only collect 10mm. Pendraken figures are great and you can fight massive battles

    2. Hear hear. It's a great scale.

  10. Great brushwork. Of course I had to do the search.

  11. Nice entry and good to see you back Martin

  12. A very mixed bag of figures and periods Martin. Love the tanks!

  13. What a great way to start the challenge loads of cool figures

  14. A very well painted eclectic collection for this entry Martin!

  15. What a start! I like the nuns the most.
