Friday, 27 December 2024

From MattT - A horde of zombies, that's just my style Sir. ( 50 points)

One of the gaming plans I have with my brother for next year is to start playing The Silver Bayonet. I know we are a bit behind the curve but it does look fun. We have decided to set it in Russia as we already had a few minis and my brother liked the Perry's, Retreat from Moscow minis. I think he will be posting some of them this challenge. I had painted up my Russian warband before the challenge so have decided to focus on a few baddies.

I think I have managed to create some pretty good-looking Napoleonic zombies by bashing together some plastic Napoleonic's with some zombie bits and filling in the gaps with green stuff. The good news about converting zombies is the worse your sculpting is the better they look. I had created 6 before the challenge started, which is probably all I will ever need.  However looking at them 6 zombies didn't feel like much of a horde so I created 10 more.

Group shot of them all together

As I sit here looking at them I think I need an eagle. Might have to see what I can come up with.

10 x 25mm Zombies = 50 points


I love these! They are so creative and unique. Really wonderful stuff Matt. I also like the idea of an eagle bearer who still has some vestigial sense that he should be carrying it long after death. Creepy AF. Love the snow too. Brilliant work.

- Curt


  1. Excellent zombies Matt. The kit bashing is great. The group I game with really enjoys TSB. Enjoy.

  2. Awesome looking zombies! Great work on both the conversions and the painting, keep more coming as TBS is a game we are looking at as well for some fun and it would be nice to see what other people are doing with it.

  3. Cracking looking zombies Matt. You'll love SB, it's a really thematic game with loads of twists and turns. Just make sure you don't forget to "dive for cover". We always do! :-P

  4. Great fun; I'd love to see an eagle.

  5. Well done! I am a fan of kit bashing like what you accomplished with these here Zombies. Silver Bayonet is a game I am interested to try out and this Napoleonic Zombie horde you created stokes my interest in SB even more.

  6. They look suitably horrific Matt - great job!

  7. Great zombies ..... looking forward to playing against them later on. Cheers JezT

  8. Thanks, definitely going to have a rummage through my bits and see if i can come up with an eagle bearer.
    Matt T

  9. Wonderful work on the zombies.

  10. Very nice painting and conversion! My main gripe with naps is those silly shakos. So I fully get why the first thing your Zombies probably did on being resurrected was getting rid of that ridiculous head ware ;-)

  11. Very nice (well, nasty) looking zombies

  12. Excellent, but from a Napoleonic enthusiast, disturbingly clever!

  13. They look like so much fun to paint, love these

  14. Creepy, but wonderful painted figures!
