Thursday, 26 December 2024

QuinnM - Genestealer Patriarch (30 points)


Again I was able to get one more model painted, and this one is my Limbo submission. 

1-54mm Foot = 10 points

Limbo = 20 points  

bonus 8 skulls on the base and 2 ultra marine heads. 

The Patriarch model has sat in a box for 2.5 years from when a friend tried to get me into KillTeam. I asked said friend for a color scheme and I like the final result. 


Great work on this Genestealer Daddy, Quinn. I like the combination of the violet carapace and green dorsal spines. Also the drainage pipe terrain base looks suitably nasty. And a nice bit of skullz for an added bonus - score!

You're dad's going to have to get the engine started to catch up! :)

- Curt


  1. Nice painting and color choices. Never got around to playing my Genestealer army but I enjoyed painting them in bright and unusual colors as well.

  2. Like that, classic genestealer colours

  3. Nice looking Nid boss mate. I really must paint mine!

  4. Looks really great colors and paintwork is spot on

  5. Great colours!

    I'd love a reimagined patriarch on throne.

  6. Great genestealer Quinn. Well done.

  7. Nice one! The color combination is spot on in my books

  8. Very nice genestealer - or a quinnstealer? I like the colours and the brushwork.

  9. Great choice of colours Quinn, I am looking forward to your other entries!

  10. Lovely painted figure Quinn!
