Thursday, 26 December 2024

From Mike W - 28mm High Elves (30 Points)

A quickie post to kick off my quest on Dante's Devine Comedy.

These two GW High Elves were in my bits box for nearly 33 years - what kind of horrendous limbo could that be!

GW High Elf Spearman and Archer, from an early 1990s Boxed Set 

I saw them there the other day and I thought I'd liberate them and give them a new lease of life...

They were so much fun to paint that I'm  now seriously thinking about collecting a small High Elf Amy to go with them.

I liked doing these guys so much I'm looking for more to do - but even on eBay they are now quite expensive!

As ever these guys were undercoated white and then 'dressed' with paint! GW Leadbelcher for chainmail and spear points.

Light Yellow for spear shafts  a bright blue speed paint for robes on the archer and a lighter sky blue on the Spearman's robes, with an old gold trim on each and a dash of brass to add much needed bling!

And a final view, I went for red jewels to offset the silver and blue overall look.

I spent some time on the shields and adding a the red jewels to their bow / costumes.

All finished with a fine sand and electrostatic grass vase with a black edge.

2 × 28mm Infantry Figures  @ 5 Pts each          10 Points
Dante's Divine Comedy - Limbo                        20 Points 
TOTAL                                                                30 Points


Lovely work on these venerable High Elf models Mike. Very sharp brushwork and your extra time on the shield, gems and other details has paid off. With the return of the Old World (at least in rule form) I'm sure the used market has become quite bullish with these classic older models. Who knows, there may be some Challengers who may be interested in moving some of their neglected castings or may consider a trade. Perhaps an idea for a page in the future... 

Well done!

- Curt


  1. Love these elves, a real Assyrian vibe to me!

  2. Nice elves, Mike! I have couple of those old High Elves, but not enough to share. And sending anything from EU to UK will probably fail anyway...

  3. Nice work. You’ve brought s9me life to some rather stiff poses.

  4. Paint two models and then decide you need an army to go with them? Sounds exactly like something I’d do! Nice paint job.

  5. Fun High Elves Mike. The old box sent many of us probably own or own. Cheers

  6. Nice choice for Limbo! They're probably in shock at seeing daylight. My elves from that set are jealous :-P

  7. Great colours! I would like to see a whole HE army...

  8. Good stuff, better done a few decades late than never!

  9. Very Nice Mike W, they were always a favourite army for WH in the 90s


  10. Nice Elves, 30 odd years, they really take me back!

  11. I remember these plastic elves, could never bring myself to paint a whole army of them.

  12. Great. They remind me on some warhammer elves I've painted long time ago.
