Thursday, 26 December 2024

From SimonG: Welcome Back with more 10mm 1980s BAOR (44 points)

Well here we all are again, stuffed after Christmas and labouring to finish off our first submissions. In may case labouring once again in the limbo that is DPM camo in 10mm for my now four years old 1980s cold war gone hot project. I'm genuinely in the final stretches now with only 32 more figures to go!

Nothing to see here (nice tash Sarge!)

Once again these are Timecast 10mm (1:144) and really nice sculpts with chunky details and even character in the faces (when they are visible). The Timecast painting guide for DPM is very easy to follow although this time I think I've let a bit more of the sand shade show through, which actually makes for more dramatic effect I think.

Group Shot with Transport

Based and labeled

DPM in 10mm (easier than you think)

While painting up the camo is actually quite pleasurable (provided your brushes are in good shape) basing is a real pain in the butt with tiny figures, tiny bases and the need to make up and locate printed brass labels -- I think it takes me as long to base these as it does to paint them. However the result seems to be pretty good.

So that's me started for this year -- and here are some beauty shots of the four types (a section NCO plus mate, GPMG crew, two squaddies and a MAW crew). For those who care about this sort of thing these are taken with a Nikon D-750, AF-S Nikkor 105 F2.8 at ISO 3200, f16, 1/80 to get depth of field in macro. However it's astonishing how good the iPhone 15Pro Macro shots (the two overhead ones above) are, just lacking a bit of that nice depth of colour I feel.

So to make a start on my 1000 point target thats 24 points for 24 10mm figures and a 20 point limbo bonus for the project that never ends. For coming weeks I have more 15mm Albigensian Crusade and 28mm Romans -- no new big projects this year but I have a nice special vignette in the works inspired by a Kate Rusby song -- so looking forward to sharing that with you all.

Got 'im!


Welcome back to the Challenge, Simon! It's great to see your Cold War Gone Hot project again. Just 30 figures away from completion? That's terrific! You really bring the best out of these 10mm figures with your clean and precise brushwork. I can sympathize with your comments on the basing (which is terrific btw), in that it often can take as much time as painting the figures themselves. Still, the final effect speaks for itself - lovely work. I look forward to your next entry!

- Curt


  1. Congrats on being close to completion on your project. Nice effective camo on those little guys.

    1. Thanks Tom. I’m looking forward to getting this project on the gaming table Just S soon as I sort some scenery 😛

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul, I grew up with all this stuff so it’s fun to revisit my teen years again

  3. Camo at 10mm? Nuts! Well done indeed.

  4. Nice work Simon, it’s great to see some more modern entries in the challenge.

    1. Yes, trying to balance out my ancients and medieval 🧐

  5. Superb work at this scale, and I like the labels as well.

    1. Thanks Barks. I’ll be glad to see the back of these fiddly labels

  6. Excellent work Simon. The bases are great and as the say “bases and faces”. Well done.

  7. They look great and the camo is superb, especially considering their scale

    1. Thanks Nic -- the Timecast figure sculps take paint very easily unlike some other manufacturers at this scale and period who shall remain nameless!

  8. They look very nice, looking forward to see the final 30 minis to get painted.

    1. Thanks Teemu -- I will definitely get them done this time around and post a shot of the full project!

  9. Great work, and camo on 10mils is insane. This project goes into this can’t be historical if I can remember it category!

    1. It's shocking how long ago the 1980s are now (what the 1940s were to us when we were living that period as teens!)

  10. Nice work on something very different to the usual

    1. Thanks Jamie -- this has become quite a popular period (Cold War Gone Hot) and there are usually a few such projects on the go in each challenge so look forward to seeing what others have to offer

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave, it’s good to be back again for my fifth time

  12. DPM in 10mm - well done! Very nice figures and the basing is splendid.

    1. Thanks Peter. This time I painted in the messy edges of each base which I think is a nice touch. I’ll have to remember to keep that up from now on!

  13. Great work Simon. 10mm is such a perfect scale for this period/setting, and you've done fine work. Well done.

    1. Thanks Greg. I used to have a load of 1:275 but the figures at that scale are somewhat dissatisfying

  14. Just 32 more to do, you can do it, they look great as always camo is spot on

    1. Thanks for your kind feedback, I’ll get the last four squads done this challenge. Them maybe to add some choppers 😃

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Peter. Just my standard style but smaller

  16. Great stuff Simon, I really like the way you used the miniatures to tell a story with each base if that makes sense.

    1. Thanks Sander. There’s not too much variety in poses but I try to pair the ones that seem to fit together.

  17. Great painted minis. And marvellous made pictures.

    1. Thanks Peter. I have finally worked out how to get decent pictures quite easily. At least these subjects don’t move!
