Monday, 27 January 2025

From Barks: Who ate all the pies? (Gluttony) (44 points)

I painted a yellow Nurgle marine for the Challenge a few years ago- they're wonderfully ridiculously overdetailed, and quite draining to paint. But I enjoyed it, and a few more have landed in my pile of potential. Last year I painted a lot of zombies, and some had a more orange tint that I liked. So this is a new Nurgle lord that I'm using for 'Gluttony'. He's a cheerful chap, generously handing out Grandfather's gifts. I quite like the cartoony splashes of vibrant colours.

I'm very happy with the hot pustules on his knee. Ready to burst!

His cloak is crawling with maggots.

To get to this circle, I summoned these Ynfernael Hulks from the Descent boardgame. Over a white undercoat I painted the same orange as the marine (Army Painter Speed Paint 2.0 Zealot Yellow) and drybrushed them black then grey. I'm not quite satisfied with the eyes.

That's three big boys; each is on a 50mm base. I'm claiming 8 points each, and +20 for the Glutton.

3 x monsters 24 points

Gluttony +20 points

Can opener side duel +8

From Millsy:

The title of this post made me laugh out loud and for that you have my thanks Barks! If there's anything more appropriate for the Gluttony bonus then I have no idea what it is.

He's absolutely revolting and I love him, from the tip of his hideous pestilent horns to the tips of his disgusting pus filled boots. The saturated green really gives off a vibe of something clearly not right and the yellow armour is a great choice as it really works and I'm sure I've never seen yellow Death Guard before.

Chuck in a couple of creepy lava monsters and you're earned a tidy 44 points. Nice one mate!



  1. Nasty looking gribblies, but top notch painting!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Richard! I think you can either go grimy or colourful with Nurgle.

  3. Yikes, truly disease ridden. Excellent brush work.

  4. A horribly gross if deliriously happy marine. Perfectly painted. I think the lava effect is quite good.

    1. Thanks, Tom! He's really grown on me (eww).

  5. Well done Barks. I have to give you credit - I find pretty much every nurgle figure looks exactly the same, but your brushwork gives this fellow some fine character and a very entertaining look. Great job.

    1. Less so than an army of Marines! But they are quite fun to paint.

    2. I have the opposite concern- there's too many characters!

  6. Great work Barks. I really like the super-saturated colours of the NurgleBoi.

    1. I'd like to do a few more, I hope they can look coherently colourful.

  7. He's a very colourful chap, that's what he is. Great brushwork!

  8. I like it that he is laughing! Great painted minis! 👍

    1. Thanks, Peter! As I said, he grew on me.

  9. That is so good Barks, amazing snot and a great face

  10. Excellent. I’m sure he appears on those pimple popping videos
