Monday, 27 January 2025

From RichardM: Sudan resting camels and British 10th Hussars (162 points)

This is a shortened week as I need to leave Friday morning for a game, dinner and overnight at a mate’s house and then we are all going onto Cancon on Saturday morning.  Cancon is Australia’s largest wargames event and is held over the Australia Day weekend in Canberra which is about a three hours drive south of Sydney.

The offerings this week are some resting camels and the British 10th Hussar regiment for the Sudan. 

The camels will be for the centre of the square formed by the dismounted Camel Regiments when they go into action.

Again the figures are 10mm Pendraken.  I have changed the dry brush colour used on the bases and while I don’t think it is apparent in photos, I am much happier that it gives a good compromise between the cloth I will be using (the third photo below is the closest representation) and the greyer colour that I have seen of the land in photos.  I am also forming the view that I need to look for some dry bush tufts while at Cancon to give a bit of a lift to my basing for the project.

Resting Camels

British 10th Hussars


Hussars.             24 * 10mm mounted = 72
Camels.              45 * 10mm mounted (but without a rider) = 90*

Total: 162 points

* instead of 3 for a mounted 10mm I have subtracted 1 for the rider figure that is missing

From Millsy:

More beautifully painted colonial stuff is always welcome Richard. This project is causing me all sorts of issues with willpower I'm happy to admit.

Painting something well at this scale is hard enough but to then do it consistently for large units is another level mate. Just brilliant!

162 points for your tally. What's next?



  1. Camels are a long lasting Challenge tradition (right Dave?) and these are awesome just like the Hussars!

    1. Thanks Sander and I'm honoured to continue a Challenge tradition.

  2. These are very well drilled and disciplined camels!

    1. You would be too if you were staked to the ground :)

  3. Nice work Richard, looking forward to the fousands of Mardi!

  4. Excellent work on these desert ships. The hussars are superb at a 10mm level. Well done.

  5. Good work, Richard! I hope your Cancon went nicely and camels got the rest they needed. :)

  6. Those look great. I love the way the smaller scales look in large groups.

  7. Fine work Richard! Love this project.

  8. 'Camels...Form square and prepare to spit!' :) Excellent work Richard!
