Monday, 27 January 2025

From KentG: 28mm Crusades, Baron's Wars & French foot knights (405 pts)

So it’s taken me a couple of weeks to get some figures out
 I made the mistake of doing two many in one go but that does mean the rest of the figures 
Won’t take as long to do, and then of course life got busy. 
First up I have some Perry metal crusades figures
These will be part of my new project where I’ll paint both sides to play Lion

Really happy with the shields, 
they are all hand painted, took a bit longer than I thought 
But worth the extra effort, the banners are of the photo copier at work 
then hand painted over top

The black shield with orange serpent is my favourite 
Spent to long adding more details 

The priest will be fun to use in some of the senecios I have a couple of other
 figures to paint but some need fixing as they broke in transit 

Next up are 8 Perry plastics which a customer wanted added on to a job
They are for his ever growing French army, a quick fun job to do

The figures below are from the footsore miniatures 
Baron's Wars range they were donated by Footsore to me to paint and sell 
As part of the Ukraine project I’m running to build tiny homes 
 It was very generous of them and the money raised from selling them will go to
 Changing lives, I love the idea that our hobby can give hope to someone 
Who has lost their home in a war, and in 8 weeks enough has been raised to build 
the first two.

The figures are great and a real joy to paint

Well that’s it another week down
Points wise
81 X 28mm foot @5pts each = 220
Total 405

From Millsy:

Another wonderfully painted points bomb Kent! I'm struggling to pick a favourite from this submission so I've settled on three...

1. The Footsore religions minis because you've nailed the robes and kudos to Footsore for being so generous!
2. The Perry plastics because your colours are glorious and bring so much interest to what might have been another batch of beige/brown padded jacks.
3. And finally priest simply because you've really made him pop and he's such a cool sculpt anyway.

Brilliant stuff and another 405 Challenge shekels which takes your tally to an impressive 1350, just 150 shy of your initial total and we're still in January!



  1. I like the crossbowmen and the ecclesiasticals!

  2. What a colourful bunch and a great pointswhopper!

  3. Great painting across all the periods - love the Priests.

  4. The colour combinations are excellent to my eye they really bring out the best in these figures and I especially liked the Normans with those shields as well as the cloth colours

  5. Kent the colour on those crusaders are wonderful and I love the bishop / priest

  6. Wonderful points bomb and excellent figures. The armored foot knights shields are fabulous.

  7. Wow. Brilliant painting and definitely worth the wait. The shield with the drake is really impressive. What a great way to support the charity.

  8. Gorgeous work as usual Kent and a great cause. Love the last image of the unhelmed lunatic with the mace.

  9. What a great selection of figured Kent, I especially love the monks, they look suitably unhinged to be clergy!

  10. What a wonderful mix of painted medieval figures! I like them all!

  11. Great entry Kent and a masterclass in shield painting

  12. Really like all your color choices Ken and the shield painting is on point! Lovely work!


  13. Those are wonderful! Excellent shields.
