Tuesday, 7 January 2025

From PeterD. Late Roman Cavalry for Limbo (80 points)

This is the first regular Tuesday post for me and it's a unit of Roman Heavy Cavalry for my Barbarian Conspiracy era project.  I had barely started these lads in the spring but put them aside in May once gardening season took over my evenings.  Hence I will claim the Limbo bonus points.

These are Victrix plastics, right out of the pack.  The Victrix Late Roman era plastics are really nice with tons of head and weapon options.  I've given this unit javelin quivers for a change since they'd be better at skirmishing or flanking barbarian hordes than charging them frontally.  We've used To The Strongest in the past with our ancient games, but I might try to give Midgard another go (our first try was a disaster, down mainly to me).

I haven't given these a unit label yet because I am still waffling over what unit name to give them.  There's a number of potential units listed for the Comes Britanniae and Comes litoris Saxonici per Britanniam.  I've run out of possible cavalry shield emblems for the units stationed in Britannia according to the Notitia Dignitatum so I winged a star pattern based on similar shield shown elsewhere in the ND.  This was my first painting since May so I was really rusty on my freehand shields, but they look almost passable from far enough away.  Actually having looked at the photos that I took, the whole unit looks like I've not painted any 28mms in 7 months, but gotta start somewhere....

I found my lead and plastic pile in complete disarray and I have no idea what's coming down the pipeline from me over the challenge.  However, expect some more Late Romans and foes, tiny ships and small Napoleonics.

That's 6 mounted figures plus the Circle bonus of 20 for a total of 80 points.


Always great to see more Late Romans hit the table Peter!

I like the approach with javelin quivvers - I usually forget that ancient cavalry are not knight style shock units. An error that Alan usually (and correctly) punishes me for without mercy I might add...)

- Paul


  1. Brilliant looking troops, Peter.

  2. "I found my lead and plastic pile in complete disarray" - but of course! That is how they are SUPPOSED to work!

    Great to see late Roman goodies Peter, well done. There was a Barbarian Conspiracy? I like to think I am up on all of the conspiracies out there, but this sounds like a fun new one I'll have to check out...

    1. Thanks Greg. Even for me the lead pile is noticeably disorganized.

      Unlike most, this conspiracy actually took place and nearly worked too.

  3. Always good to move a stalled project on! These are smashing

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A mighty fin looking bunch, Peter! I'm currently gazing at my plastic Victrix Late Romans and considering a Nibelungen themed project for Midgard...

  6. Well done on these cavalry Peter!

  7. Very nice cavalry - I have the same set and hopefully will get some done that are as good as these!

    1. Thanks Peter. It's a great kit. I am sure you can do much better with it.

  8. These look great. I love the bright blue shields and the variety on the basing.

  9. Nice looking riders. Are you planning another late roman scenario anytime soon?

  10. Splendid looking late Romans,liberated from limbo too!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. How are your Romans coming?

    2. They've made it to the painting tray but keep getting lapped by Napoleonic units!
      Best Iain

  11. Great inspiration Peter. Well done.

  12. Nice work , Peter! I love the vibrant colors on them! Don't beat yourself up over the shields as they do look very good, inconsistent marks are probably due the the warrior binging too much on grog around the campfire. ;)

  13. Nic work Peter. Question about your lead and plastic pile though.... is there any way for it to be other than a disaster???

    1. Thanks Byron. True on the lead pile, but I’d like to be able to find certain stuff

    2. In specific boxes per project and labelled? Clearly I'm doing something wrong!
      Best Iain

    3. You’ve obviously not seen my office of workspace! No, so e where under one of those piles of stuff.

  14. wonderful Wowmans Peter, great horse colours

    1. Thanks very much Kerry. I never understand the equinophobia of some, I quite enjoy painting horses.

  15. Excellent Peter, nice looking unit

  16. Always nice to see late Romans, and these look very fine Peter! Glad you managed to rescue them.
